The 10 biggest theories about the story of Terrifier 4

The 10 biggest theories about the story of Terrifier 4

Damien Leone's viral horror franchise took a big step forward with Terrifying 3and with Terrifying 4 already in development, fans have already begun to theorize about how the bloody saga will come to an end. The third installment in the series starring the depraved and demonic Art the Clown expanded the overarching narrative that began in Terrifying 2and positioned Art and his nemesis Sienna Shaw as proxies in the full-scale battle between good and evil. In the process, Terrifying 3 It broke box office records and received much praise from critics and fans.

Terrifying 3The cliffhanger ending made it clear that Leone intended the ongoing conflict between Art and Sienna to extend into at least one more film, if not more than one. While some of the theories developed since the film's release seem inevitable, others would represent a huge leap forward for the overall story. Terrifying 4 It may not be the end of Art and Sienna's story, but even if it isn't, radical changes in scale and scope appear to be on the way. Terrifying franchise.


Jonathan is not really dead

Sienna's little brother was allegedly killed by Art and Vicky off-screen

Elliot Fullam as Jonathan looking scared while sitting in a church in Terrifier 3

This may be the most popular theory about what happens in Terrifying 4just because it seems pretty obvious. The climax of Terrifying 3 saw Art and Vicky capture Sienna and force her to watch as they killed her aunt. They reveal to her a gnawed skull in a cage covered in rats and tell her that it is actually the head of her cousin, Gabbie. However, when the very alive Gabbie is pulled into the room, Vicky places Jonathan's horn-rimmed glasses on his skullimplying that the skull is actually his.

Terrifying Key Franchise Details


Release date


Gross box office

RT Tomatometer Score

RT Popcorn Meter Score



$35,000 to $55,000




Terrifying 2



US$15.7 million



Terrifying 3


US$2 million

$79.2 million (and counting)



However, It is extremely suspicious that the Terrifying franchise would have one of the main characters killed off-screenespecially the one Art already tried to kill on screen once. Damien Leone has never shied away from showing important characters being killed in gruesome ways (e.g. Dawn in TerrifyingAlly in Terrifying 2), so it seems pretty suspicious that he had the death of one of the main players in the ongoing battle between Art and Sienna happen completely off-screen. It seems likely that Jonathan is trapped somewhere, but it wasn't his skull that Vicky showed Sienna.


Art is deadly again

The demon may have left him when Sienna stabbed him

Terrifying 2 and Terrifying 3 established that one of a demon's gifts are eyes; Vicky gets glowing yellow eyes when The Little Pale Girl possesses her. Art's eyes are normally free of this glow, although he is clearly possessed by some sort of demonic entity. However, his eyes briefly glowed when Sienna stabbed him at the climax of Terrifying 3, which could indicate that the demon left Art's body, leaving him mortal again. The deadly serial killer version of Art may not be as strong or unkillable as the demon-possessed version, but he is still very dangerous.


Sienna is on the road to hell

To save her cousin, Sienna will have to visit biblical hell

Demonic blacksmith from Terrifier 3

The end of Terrifying 3 saw Vicky's decapitated blood drip onto the floor of Sienna's aunt's house, which opened a huge portal in the floor. Sienna's young cousin Gabbie fell into the smoking portal before closing again, unfortunately taking Sienna's magic sword with her. It's very clear that it was a portal to Hell itself, even though it's never explicitly stated by any character.

Sienna's promise to find her cousin practically guarantees that she will find her way to Hell in Terrifying 4probably through another portal similar to the one Vicky's blood opened. It's still difficult to imagine how she will survive the horrors that await her there without her magic sword, but a battle-functional version of her warrior angel armor would probably help, perhaps created by the dangerous new demonic creature she saw in her vision. Terrifying 3 may have already suggested the location of another portal: as Sienna says, “I have to go back to the Terrifier.”


Terrifier 4 will have an Easter theme

Christian imagery and simple seasonal progression could mean art terrorizes a new holiday

A statue of Mary in Hell in Terrifier 3

One of the more amusing yet seemingly plausible theories is that Terrifying 4 will continue the Christmas-themed trend and will be set at Easter in Miles County. Terrifying 3 was loaded with Christian imagery, with angels, demons, a crown of thorns, and a literal crucifixion all visibly appearing in some way during the film's running time. The battle between Art and Sienna was set up as a microcosm of the greater universal battle of good versus evil.

There are also plenty of visual jokes that Art could employ with Easter's more secular aesthetic to work with, making this theory perfectly plausible.

With that in mind, it is logical that Terrifying 4 would be set around the holiday marking the biblical resurrection of Jesus Christwho wore the same crown of thorns that Vicky placed on Sienna's head during her crucifixion. Sienna even gained the power to heal after her battle with Vicky and Art at the end of Terrifying 3making his own messianic metaphor even stronger. There are also plenty of visual jokes that Art could employ with Easter's more secular aesthetic to work with, making this theory perfectly plausible.


Sienna finally kills art

After suffering years of psychological torment, Sienna kills her evil enemy

Sienna slowly became more supernaturally powerful as the Terrifying the series has progressed, to the point where it's approaching superhero territory. Art has taken almost everyone she loves from her, so whether or not she will be able to rescue Gabbie from Hell remains to be seen. She's coming after the clown to exact her final revenge. Terrifying 4 could very well mark the end of Art and Sienna's saga, and for a truly satisfying conclusion, Sienna could finally kill Art once and for all, ensuring that both the body and the demon possessing it never have a way to return.


Art finally kills Sienna

The demonic clown could live to kill again

Art stabs a woman in the stomach while wearing a Santa Claus costume in Terrifier 3.

While Sienna killing Art would make a nice, elegant bow to the entire horror series, that might not actually be the path Damien Leone takes. THE Terrifying the franchise's perfect ending would actually be have Art kill Sienna, and in a particularly gruesome way. The entire purpose of Art the Clown is to inflict pain, suffering and death on anyone and everyone - including children. He also deals in psychological torture, often laughing at his victims or taunting them with their dismembered loved ones.

The very reason why Terrifying The franchise that went viral first is the vomit-inducing gore and sadism. Therefore, a happy ending in which good triumphs over evil would be somewhat disappointing in the right light. Art the Clown showed that there is no happy ending for anyone who crosses his path, and despite the best efforts of the forces of good, Art always wins and always survives. Having Art kill Sienna (in a harrowing way) would be a divisive but signature ending to the battle between the two enemies.


Art and Sienna's battle ends in the 9th Circle

THE Terrifying The franchise will return to its origins

Mike Giannelli as Art the Clown smiling at the camera in the short film The 9th Circle

Assuming Sienna goes to Hell in Terrifying 4 it seems inevitable that she will find her way to the 9th Circle, the sector of Hell reserved for the most vile. Terrifying 3 has already left an Easter egg (and perhaps a clue) related to Damien Leone's short The 9th Circlein which Art the Clown makes his first appearance. It makes sense, therefore, that the Terrifying franchise ends where it all began, in the 9th Circle of Hellwhich is where Art and Sienna can finally conclude their epic fight.


Sienna will fight Satan

Art can be a stepping stone on the path to greater evil

Sienna (Lauren LaVera) looking straight into the camera in Terrifier 3

Although Art was considered the central villain in Terrifying and Terrifying 2, Terrifying 3 saw him almost take a backseat to Vicky/The Little Pale Girl during the final confrontation with Sienna. The Silent Art operated almost like a henchman while Vicky talked and tried to possess Siennaand ultimately it was Vicky's blood that opened a gate to Hell and not Art's. Speaking of which, Art appeared as a servant of Satan in his first appearance in Damien Leone's short film. The 9th Circle.

All of this could mean that as terrifying and murderous as Art is, He's a lesser player in a world of greater evil. If Sienna travels to Hell and reaches the 9th Circle, she will likely come face to face with Satan, who is portrayed as a permanent resident of the 9th Circle of Hell in Dante's work. Hell. Sienna can still get her final revenge on Art and will still have to eliminate the “final boss” behind the gang of demon-possessed assassins in the real world.


Art is actually Satan himself

It could be Satan who has art

Fans theorized before the release of Terrifying 3 that The Little Pale Girl was Satan, which explained why she could only be seen when she wanted to and was able to resurrect Art through Vicky and her decapitated head. However, this theory was more or less accepted as dead when Sienna killed Vicky at the end of Terrifying 3. This opens the door to another theory: if Sienna is being empowered by the forces of good, could it be because she's been fighting the Devil himself this whole time?

This theory is admittedly harder to accept, given the fact that Art took a backseat to Vicky at the end of Terrifying 3along with his on-screen origins as a servant of Satan. But if Art is indeed mortal again, he could be an open vessel with enough evil to justify Satan's own possession as opposed to a lesser demon. This would raise the stakes of Art and Sienna's final battle, as Art embodies the literal Devil, while Sienna acts as a battle-ready Archangel of God in the vein of the biblical Michael.


Sienna's father will return

Michael Shaw saw Art's rage and Sienna's rise years before they happened

Michael (Jason Patric) smiling in Terrifier 3

Sienna's father, Michael, finally appeared on screen in Terrifying 3as Sienna had a vision/memory of the origin of her angel warrior persona, which was a character created by her father. The drawings shown in Terrifying 2 of his father were dismissed as scribbles from a mind ravaged by cancer, but they turned out to be prophetic, indicating Sienna's father knew in advance that Art would grow in the worldand that Sienna would need to be the one to stop him.

The concept of prophets and prophecy is very characteristic for the Terrifying franchise, which has become increasingly laden with Christian imagery. In Christianity, it is believed that prophets are chosen by God to convey his word and can often see the future in visions. Given that he was played by a major actor in Jason Patric, Michael Shaw could return in some capacity in Terrifying 4 as Sienna and Art advance towards the final battle, perhaps as an angelic supporter of Sienna just like Art had The Little Pale Girl.