Warning! This article contains spoilers for The 90s Show Part 3!
Leia pays tribute to Eric's memorable burn about Laurie with a tail on That '70s Show.
Michael Kelso started the concept of yelling "Burn!" In the show, passed to his kids.
Big secrets exposed on that '70s show are often ignored, as Laurie's tail reveals in season 2.
in That '90s show Part 3, Leia Forman approved tribute to one of the worst burns that Eric ever said in That '70s showWhich included a shocking character reveal. The concept of shoutingBurn!"When one of the teens loads a brutal insult from the other was started by Michael Kelso in That '70s showand is run by both his kids, Betsy and Jay, in That '90s show. Of course, these types of insults are not limited to the Kelso family tree, as the Forman and Runck families also tend to "burn" each other pretty harshly.
throughout That '70s showLeia's father Eric Forman (Topher Grace) was often the subject of "burns" but rarely the one successfully said them. His older sister Laurie often insulted him until Kelso and Hyde had to acknowledge her brutality. However, in one of many instances of their back-and-forth insults and bickering, the Junior Foreman Sibling shockingly emerges as "Victor" as he leaves Laurie fleeing the room crying and embarrassed. Although Leia does not directly refer to this argument, she has a line in it That '90s show That's very reminiscent of its brutal conclusion.
Leia's lie about Gwen repeats Eric's shocking lie about Lori with a tail
Eric & Laurie's That 70s Show Season 2 action includes one of the most memorable burns
One of Eric's only real "wins" in an argument against Lurie occurs during That '70s show Season 2, Episode 22, "Jackie Kino On." As the two fight in the basement, they trade embarrassing stories from one another to Kelso and Hyde, which escalates to Eric divulging a secret Laurie hoped would never be revealed. To conclude the argument, Eric screams that "Laurie was born with a tail." Typically, Laurie would respond by being unimpressed and throwing an even worse revelation at Eric. This time, however, she simply screams"I hate you!And stormed out of the basement in tears.
Few of Eric's burns ever left Hyde and Kelso in such utter shock as revealing that Laurie has a tail, making it one of the show's most memorable argument scenes. Paying tribute to this surprising moment, That '90s show Part 3 includes a line in which Leia lies to Jay and tells him a fake secret about Gwen, namely that she "was born with a tail." It's possibly the main one That '90s show Character remembers this detail about her aunt and uses it to lie about Gwen, or just happened to come up with a similarly surprising secret.
That '70s Show shockingly never explained more about Laurie's tail reveal
Laurie's secret was ignored after the Season 2 reveal
After Eric drops the revelation that Laurie was born with a tail, the news is never discussed again That '70s show. However, it does fit a set with That '70s show The great secrets of the characters are ignored after their exposure to the rest of the group. For example, Jackie's middle name "Beulah" isn't mentioned again after she hits Hyde for telling everyone, Kelso has to repeat first opinion is ignored, and Eric's rollerskating hobby is never followed up on. They may have been forgotten in the original sitcom, however That '90s shows storylines provide reminders of the great revelations.