The Mad Titan Thanos Rarely meets anyone he considers equal, and despite these Hulk's immense strength, it's clear that Bruce Banner's Green Goliath does not make the list. Although the Hulk is usually wary of Marvel's other heroes, the Avengers have called on him several times to help thwart Thanos' latest plans against Earth. Over the many battles, it seems that the Mad Titan has developed a disdainful view of the Hulk.
In Derek Landy and Geoff Shaw The Incredible Hulk Annual #1The Mind Stone calls out to Hulk to stop it from falling into Thanos' clutches. The two trade blows, with Thanos quickly reaching for Hulk's refusal to simply walk away from a fight he has no stake in. - Such a little thing, such a weak, small, worthless mind. In choosing to call the Hulk "Sorry," Thanos couldn't have given him more reason to cut.
Hulk's use of the word "poor" Goes back to Jack Kirby and Stan Lee Incredible Hulk #1And the word has become synonymous with the green Goliath's dismissive view of the humans who constantly dog his steps, preventing him from having a moment of peace despite their inability to match even a fraction of his power. Past stories have also revealed that Hulk's offense is not just about strength, but about mindset - he sees many humans as 'sticky' because of their fear and hatred of anything outside their worldview.
Thanos Brands The Incredible Hulk "Pony"
The Green Goliath's own iconic offense was turned against him
The Incredible Hulk Annual #1 is part of Marvel's 'Infinity Watch' event, which took place in the publisher's annual 2024. In this issue, fans finally meet the Mind Stone's new bearer Worldmind, only for the hero to be almost instantly killed by Thanos. The Mad Titan is collecting the Infinity Stones in an attempt to break the newly forged Death Stone to his will, bringing him into conflict with their current bearers and various Marvel heroes. Thankfully, the Mind Stone is able to call on Hulk and Collin Wing - the former to steal Thanos and the latter to become his new bearer.
Hulk does as asked, trading blows with Thanos until the Mad Titan finally gets the upper hand and breaks his neck, spitting, - As I said... Fanny. However, Thanos grossly underestimated the Hulk's healing powers, and the Jade Giant quickly resets his neck and attacks, angry, - Don't call me that! As he brings Thanos to his knees. The newly empowered Colleen Wing delivers a decisive blow, downing Thanos long enough to get the powerful artifact from his clutches.
Thanos earned the right to mock Hulk
Hulk vs Thanos has always gone one way
It was a time before he gathered the Infinity Stones that Thanos was wary of the Hulk's strength, admitted in Thanos Quest That he's avoided engaging the superstrong being in battle. Unfortunately, those days are long gone, and since they were marred by his cosmic mistress's death, Thanos has fought Hulk multiple times and won again and again. Infinity Gauntlet Saw Thanos shrink Hulk down to a tiny size, and his quasi adaptation in the MCU Infinity War The famous saw Thanos beat Hulk so badly, Bruce Banner's Gamma form refused to return for a rematch.
Hulk and Thanos also traded blows Thanos vs HulkMarvel's latest Thanos series, and the Infinity event, with the Mad Titan swatting the Hulk apart again and again. Most horrifying of all is the potential future of the 'Thanos Wins' arc, where a triumphant Thanos conquers the galaxy and turns Hulk into his personal pet, chaining him and forcing him to eat other heroes that disfavors the mad titan.
with all the victories, Thanos has technically earned the right to regard Hulk as "clear," But he is not quite ready for how the hero reacts to this insult. Being forced to be ostracized by society, Hulk is instantly offended by any insult that compares him to the humans who hounded him and destroyed everything good in his life. Hulk proudly wore the label 'monster' simply because it denoted those who humanity has shamed for being different, thus comparing him to the "poor people" is a red rag to a bull. It's even worse because Hulk Associates the "poor" Insult with Bruce Banner, which he violently laughs (Now more than ever.)
Now that Hulk has finally broken the pattern of Thanos beating him every time they fight, hopefully there will be more Gamma victories in the future, although it's likely that after this back-breaking take down, Thanos Now knows better than to call these Hulk "Sorry."
The Incredible Hulk Annual #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.