Ted Danson's character in upcoming Netflix comedy A man inside looks like the perfect continuation of your beloved The good place paper. The new comedy series comes from the same creator of The good placeMichael Schur and therefore carries a similar type of quirky comedy. With Danson in the lead role of A man insidethe commonalities between these two series are even stronger despite the drastically different premises. With just a small, delicious stretch of imagination, Danson's new comedy series looks like a spinoff.
Danson was easy to love in The good placewhere he played a demon-turned-human with a reformed heart of gold. Now, the actor takes on the role of Charlie in Schur's film A man inside, a retired widower who goes undercover at an elderly care facility to find a lost and priceless heirloom. The series, which begins streaming on Netflix on November 21, 2024, is based on the 2020 documentary The mole agent and therefore is not linked to the history of The good place anyway. Still, Danson and Schur's reunion is a reason to celebrate - especially when considering Charlie and Michael's stories.
Ted Danson's A Man On The Inside Feels Like An Unofficial Sequel To The Good Place
Charlie is like the human version of Michael
At the end of The good placeMichael is given the chance to go to Earth and live as a human - something he has always wanted. Danson's character was moved by even the simplest experiences in life, from receiving store credit card offers in the mail to telling people to "take this despicable." Of course, given the series ending, audiences never learned much about what Michael's life was really like. There have long been calls for a The good place spinoff following Michael's"human"life, but A man inside It's a lovely alternative.
The trailer for A man inside presents Danson's character as a recently widowed older gentleman who has lost his desire for life. His daughter encourages him to find something that "excite"him, and Charlie's response is to become an undercover private investigator. The character Charming excitement about your new job quickly brings The good placeMichael is on mind. It's fun to imagine this A man inside it is part of Michael's ongoing story. After all, going undercover in a nursing home is exactly the kind of thing this character would have enjoyed.
Could The Good Place still have a true Michael spinoff?
This Isn't the Danson and Schur Reunion, the Good Place Fans Hoped For
Of course, The good place and A man inside are not a perfect fit. It's fun to imagine a connection in the story, but ultimately these are two different series with two completely different flavors. Still, seeing Danson return to a Schur comedy will certainly reignite calls for a Michael spinoff. Danson's character was a fan favorite in The good placeand there has been a lingering feeling that there could be more to his story. Unfortunately, Danson and Schur's return for an unrelated series seems to imply that the 2016 sitcom is indeed over for good.
While the Netflix series isn't the spinoff audiences were hoping to see Danson, it satisfies the themes that made The Good Place's Michael so charming to begin with.
The good place the ending matches the general theme of the program quite well, as An idea often promoted by the series is that life is beautiful because one day it will end. Michael is an immortal being who chooses to experience human life with all its joys and bitterness. Although not strictly connected, A man inside seems to continue these same themes. Danson's character is a man who has lost love, but finds a unique way to experience life's small pleasures. So while the Netflix series isn't the spinoff audiences were hoping to see from Danson, it satisfies the themes they did The good placeFor starters, Michael is so charming.