Summary Haunted Heart IA noir thriller set in Greece, with a mysterious romance between Alex and Max. Truba, known for…
The The 1970s were an excellent time to be a fan of the spy thriller genre. Franchises such as the…
It's hard to believe that it's already October 2024, but the Horror And Thriller Books will get readers in the…
It's hard to believe that it's already October 2024, but the Horror And Thriller Books will get readers in the…
New styles, new technology and new voices have changed the film industry Over the 1960s and left the 1970s a…
September brings us one month closer to Halloween, and There are plenty of horror and thriller books coming out to…
Supernatural crime thrillers Offering a distinctive appeal, seamlessly blending eerie atmospheres and inexplicable phenomena with the tense realities of criminal…