The Far Side featured a number of hilarious jokes about doctors during its publication period, while Gary Larson skillfully undermined…
The Far Side
Gary Larson, creator of The Far Sidehad a self-proclaimed and self-imposed rule not to explain even his strangest drawings -…
In 1992, author and artist Gary Larson produced some of the strangest panels in the history of The Far Side…
Animals and humans are two very frequent sources of subjects in The Far Sidewith comics combining humans and animals also…
The Far Side famously does not have a main character or characters that appear throughout the comic, as creator Gary…
The Far Side it showed all kinds of animals and different forms of human life, including subcultures, of which geeks…
The Far Side didn’t always need subtitles to tell the reader his joke – and, in fact, Some of his…
Widely considered among The Far Side most iconic cartoons, 'Dog With Gun' also perfectly encapsulates one of Gary Larson's favorite…
I thought The Far Side The classic "Discontented Cow" comic strip was funny before I even realized there was a…
The Far Side has always made animals a main attraction in comic books. All aspects of the animal kingdom were…