Ridley Scott's forgotten 11-year-old thriller contains the wildest scene of the director's careerBy Tommy LethbridgeNovember 14, 2013 The counselor is widely regarded as one of Ridley Scott's worst movies, but among the mediocrity, one scene stands out…
Prometheus continued a problematic Ridley Scott career trend that was still going on in 2024By Tommy LethbridgeJune 8, 2012 with PrometheusRidley Scott decided to write a new chapter in the Alien Mythology he helped to create, but in doing…
Ridley Scott and Russell Crowe's Gladiator follow-up was a disastrous 26% rated romantic comedyBy Tommy LethbridgeMay 5, 2000 After collecting Oscars for Best Picture and Best Actor, Gladiator Proved that director Ridley Scott and leading man Russell Crowe…