The best Rick and Morty The episodes feature self-contained stories and a few additions that really advance their overarching plot.…
Rick and Morty
While Rick and Morty Season 6's Thanksgiving special isn't perfect, the episode is an important part of the series' story.…
Warning: Contains SPOILERS for Rick and Morty: Youth at Rickvolt #1! Evil Morty is easily one of the biggest highlights…
Rick and MortyThe season finales delivered some of the show's all-time best episodes, but not all of them were great.…
Although Rick and Morty Season 7 introduced one of the best twists the series has ever delivered, that doesn't necessarily…
Rick and Morty There are 71 episodes across seven seasons, and the show's episodic structure raises the question of whether…
Rick and Morty has some notable similarities with Back to the futureand the classic time travel film is woven into…
Warning! Spoilers ahead for Multiversus: Collision Detected #2!I have seen Superman Going up against a lot of strange enemies in…
Although Rick and MortyThe first spinoff didn't work, the show's struggles weren't caused by its similarity to the popular adult…
Rick and Morty is one of the most popular adult animation franchises in recent memory, which should come as no…