Almost halfway through its run time, Rebel Ridge Features a subtle nod to a highly acclaimed 51-year-old Al Pacino movie,…
Rebel Ridge
Warning! This post contains major spoilers for Netflix's Rebel Ridge. Although Terry Richmond struggles to find justice throughout Rebel Ridges…
Rebel Ridge It's all about civil asset forfeiture, and the director has a lot to say about the controversial policy.…
Rebel Ridge Not only goes through thrilling action sequences and a compelling crime drama, but also features memorable performances from…
Aaron Pierres performance in Rebel Ridge Makes it hard not to believe that he can perfectly embody a Clint Eastwood…
Rebel Ridge Debuted on Rotten Tomatoes with a near perfect score. Written and directed by Jeremy Saulnier, who is best…
Netflix's hit action-thriller Rebel Ridge Could easily become a franchise, but it needs to avoid running into the same problem…
Netflix Rebel Ridge Seemingly has a well-rounded story, but it paves the way for a potential sequel in more ways…
Netflix's latest action thriller, Rebel RidgeUpdates the genre with skill and attention while harkening back to the classic movies that…
One of the best parts of the hit Netflix movie Rebel Ridge Was only included because of a forgotten and…