Power Rangers' Darkest season showed that the series could be a little more mature without ever abandoning its original tone…
Power Rangers
Amy Jo Johnson reprized her role as Kimberly in Power Rangers Two years after the original Pink Ranger left the…
The first Red Ranger from the original Power Rangers Has received his most authentic cosplay yet. Fans have found creative…
The best upgrade that Trini Kwan of the Power Rangers Got happened in the comics. Power Rangers are known to…
Tommy Oliver is promoted to Red Ranger in ZeoA Power Rangers Season that proved one harsh truth about the legendary…
Summary Mighty Morphin Power Rangers replaced three original team members in season 2, setting a trend for future Power Rangers…
One of the best things about the US Power Rangers franchise is how it can explore different genres and settings…
Power Rangers Zeo Introduced what should have been the strongest team in the franchise based on Zordon's description of the…
Warning: Contains Spoilers for Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #15 When Tommy Oliver is finally freed from Rita Repulsa's mind control,…
One of the most underrated Power Rangers seasons also gave the show its best Red Ranger. Choosing the best Red…