Elden Ring was the cultural moment in gaming for 2022, FromSoftware's epic open-world dark fantasy action RPG depicts a massive…
Elden Ring
Following the announcement of the 2024 Game of the Year nominees at The Game Awards, the inclusion of Elden Ring:…
Since then Elden Ring Shadow of the Erd Tree DLC was released this year, more and more hidden surprises that…
Elden Ring and your Shadow of the Erd Tree The expansion includes a massive library of lore dedicated to Lords,…
Shadow of the Erd Tree introduced a treasure trove of new traditions to the already elaborate universe of Elden Ringand…
Elden RingThe combat system includes unique damage types called "status effects"composed of seven different"conditions"that affect players and NPCs in various…
Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtreeintroduced a wide variety of new items, enemies, and areas for fans to explore. All of…
Anyone interested in Elden RingThe lore of the Lord of the Frenzied Flame will find Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree…
The Shadow Stay Inside Elden Ring: Shadow of Erdtree is home to a surprising number of secrets, hidden areas, and…
Of Dark Souls to Transmitted by blood to Elden RingFromSoftware has filled its games with fun and powerful weapons for…