NOTICE! This article contains SPOILERS for Season 3, Episode 6!The mysteries of OfThe residents of are becoming even more baffling in Season 3, as Tabitha Matthews now realizes she's had nightmares about the city since she was a child. After she is pushed out of the lighthouse and transported back to the real world in Camden, Maine, in Of At the end of Season 2, Tabitha unexpectedly returns to town in the final moments of Season 3, Episode 3. Since then, she has discovered some terrible truths about her purpose in this town and a deeper connection with other residents, apparently based on Tabitha's choice to save OfChildren are in prison.
All over Of season 3, Tabitha discovered that she shares several similarities with Victor's late mother, Mirandawho had visions about the city long before he was trapped there. For example, Tabitha's bracelet for Jim mirrors the one Miranda made for Henry, both couples having a strong preference for the song "Blue" by Joni Mitchell, they both have a son and a daughter, and Tabitha and Miranda were both plagued by visions. of Ofchildren of pronouncing the word “Anghkooey”. Now, Of The end of episode 6 of season 3 features yet another shocking connection between Tabitha, Miranda and the city.
Tabitha had nightmares at the abandoned lakeside camp as a child
Tabitha saw the wooden statues and painted rocks as a child
After trying to figure out what the numbers on the tree's bottles mean, Tabitha is startled to see Jade's drawing of OfForest statues. The sight of the totem immediately gives Tabitha flashbacks to a recurring nightmare she would have as a child, which included her walking to the abandoned camp by the lake, approaching the three red stones and shouting at the sight of the carved statues. Tragically, Tabitha realizes that this place has been haunting her almost her entire life.
This is the second time someone trapped in the city had visions of the city before arrivingthe first being Victor's mother, Miranda. However, her husband Henry revealed that Miranda began having visions of the city on her 35th birthday, when the two took LSD at the tree where she would later play one of the OfBottle trees as an artistic installation. Tabitha's nightmares about the city started much earlier and would have started after Miranda, Victor and Eloise had already arrived there.
What Tabitha's childhood nightmares mean for her connection to the city
Tabitha was chosen shortly after Miranda's death
It's still unclear who was nearby. Oftown before Victor's family, but it appears it could date back to the 1860s, as Jade has visions of a Civil War soldier there. If people were trapped there for so long, then it seems It is possible for city forces to summon a new “chosen” person every generation. There may have been a different person who was called to rescue the children from the tower before Miranda, with young Tabitha perhaps randomly becoming the next chosen one after Miranda's death.
Victor has been trapped in the city since the early 1980s, and Tabitha's first nightmares about the place apparently began soon after.
Tabitha's nightmares also reiterate that There was nothing random about the Matthews family being trapped in the city. What's still a mystery, however, is why the town decided to finally arrest them at the exact time they did, though it likely has to do with the recent deaths of Tabitha and Jim's son, Thomas. Furthermore, with Tabitha's childhood nightmares located in the abandoned lakeside camp, her visions may explain the true purpose of Ofthe wooden totems and what happened to the community that lived there.
New episodes of Of season 3 launches on Sundays on MGM+.