Warning! This article contains spoilers for Tulsa King season 2 and Goodfellas.Sylvester Stallone's Tulsa King Recently included one of the best scenes in a gangster movie or show since Goodfellas Published in 1990. Tulsa King was one of the best shows on Paramount+, and it was a major hit for Sylvester Stallone. Tulsa King Season 1 boasts a very high 89% score Rotten tomatoesAnd the second season has an early 100% rating. It was such a success that Tulsa King Season 3 has already been confirmed, and the series is making quite a name for itself in the crime genre.
Although Tulsa King Is a resounding success, it also has some stiff competition from other entries to the crime genre. Martin Scorsese's best movies are shining examples of what gangster stories can be, and some of the best movies of all time are about gangsters. To live up to the giants of the genre, Tulsa King Season 2 introduced one of the best gangster scenes ever Goodfellas. It was an intense, suspenseful, and absolutely brutal scene, and it proved that Tulsa King Has the chops to live up to the best of the crime genre.
Tulsa King season 2, episode 3's ending is one of the greatest gangster scenes on television
The end of Tulsa King Season 2, episode 3 was a fantastic moment for the show, and it was one of the best scenes in any gangster show. Tulsa King Had a lot of work to predict a hit that Bill Bevilaqua (Frank Grillo) took out on Dwight. The show made a point of implying that Goody was going to betray Dwight and to show all of Dwight's friends and family giving him a long goodbye. The lead up to the hit made it seem like Dwight would at least be hurt, and that some members of the band might die.
The attempted hit on Dwight's life was a great moment that was full of suspense, twists and turns, and it could easily go down as one of the best scenes in a modern gangster show.
then, Tulsa King Perfectly subverted expectations by revealing that Dwight knew about the hit all along and was waiting for it. He sends Bigfoot (Mike "Cash Flo" Walden) to ambush the Bevilaqua Man, and then has Gowdy stab him to death in an awesome and satisfying twist.. Just for good measure, he then sent the body to the Bevilaqua estate with a menu from the Bread2Book. The attempted hit on Dwight's life was a great moment that was full of suspense, twists and turns, and it could easily go down as one of the best scenes in a modern gangster show.
Tulsa King's execution was just as good as Joe Pesci's death in Goodfellas
The end of Tulsa King Season 2, episode 3 also has some striking similarities to an iconic gangster scene: Tommy's death in Goodfellas. Tommy, played by Joe Pesci, was supposed to become a made man, but he was instead killed for some of his past transgressions. It was an iconic plot twist that has gone down as one of the best in the entire crime genre, and Tulsa King Perfectly flipped it on its head. Just like GoodfellasThe Beat on Dwight had a great twist and flawlessly encapsulated the brutality and backstabbing that gangster movies and shows are known for.
Tulsa King is one of the best gangster shows in years
There have been some fantastic gangster shows in recent years, from The Sopranos to Peaky Blinders And even The penguin. They all deserve their respect, however Tulsa King It is also a very strong argument that it should be included in the list of the best crime shows. It has everything that other contemporary gangster shows have, from its ensemble cast to its strong leading actor. The hit on Dwight proves that Tulsa King Can do high-stakes gangster drama as well as any other show, but this series also has its own unique features.
Latest Gangster Shows by Rotten Tomatoes Score |
Title |
Calculation |
The Sopranos |
92% |
Boardwalk Empire |
92% |
Peaky Blinders |
93% |
Tulsa King |
89% |
The penguin |
94% |
One of the best things about Tulsa KingAnd one of the things that sets it apart from other gangster shows is its Western setting. Because it takes place in Oklahoma, Tulsa King is able to offer a unique blend of western stories like cowboys, honky-tonks and country music, while still providing great gangster moments like Dwight's hit and his space case. The show also has some much lighter subplots than series II Peaky BlindersSince it focuses on Dwight's journey to become a better family man. Although this is not for everyone, it does Tulsa King Unique.
Again, the crime genre is filled with some all-time great movies and shows. It is difficult to say that Tulsa King Is better than some of the best crime shows of the 21st century, viz The Sopranos Or Peaky BlindersBut it comes very close. at least, Tulsa King is a serious contender to be considered one of the best gangster shows in years. No show can produce a scene as intense as the ending of Tulsa King Season 2, episode 3, deserves to be in the conversation about being considered the best.
Source: Rotten tomatoes