Survival Ascended needs to learn from its biggest past mistake

Survival Ascended needs to learn from its biggest past mistake

Ark: Ascended Survival has begun releasing individual creature packs, but these products still need to be perfected. Since Ascended gave away all previous DLC for free, Studio Wildcard needed some way to make a profit. The studio has done this in several ways beyond creature packs, namely crossover packs, premium mods, and the Bob's Great Tales package.

Overall, this strategy has been a huge success for the franchise; the game has sold over two million copies by September 2024. This is further helped by the impressive sales of all the DLC packs. The only downside to all this success has been the lack of updates on the long-awaited sequel to the prehistoric survival game.

Ark: Survival Ascended's creature DLC wasn't always fair

Continued Controversy

While each has its good points, there has been controversy over both Fantastic Taming additions. The Pyromane is a versatile unit capable of devastating opponents, whether as a pet or in its full form. Along with that, it can be used to cook meat or fuel forges. However, AscendedThe fiery feline has faced backlash with many concerns surrounding PvP, which was once neglected. To make matters worse, the Pyromane was then nerfed to the point that its price seemed like a scam.

Ark: Ascended SurvivalDreadmare's is a recent addition and a little more balanced. The demonic flying equine can heal itself and remove enemy buffs, while also having the ancient Cyropod effect of Evolved. Although Dreadmare didn't have as many PvP concerns, the recent planned rollback of Cyropods in Ascended destroyed the reputation of this beast.

Creature DLC could be a good idea for Ark

A victory for both sides

Three Dreadmares, winged skeletal horses with glowing red eyes, stand in a dead forest amidst lightning and under a blood moon in Ark Survival Ascended.

If done correctly, creature packs can be great for Arkprofit and the community. They represent a way to obtain new content while rewarding Studio Wildcard. If the Pyromane and Dreadmare are any example, clearly these creatures should be a step above normal creatures. This is good since they have a price tag, and the price itself is not high, but they both faced a lot of problems.

If these packages are intended only for Ascended, so it's not a big problem. When Ark 2 releases and content for Ascended disappears, then these will simply be remnants of the past. There's a chance they'll be ported over to the sequel, which wouldn't be bad if they were free, but if they need to be purchased the same problems will arise. There is also the possibility of Ark 2 will continue the trend and introduce new creature packspossibly even stronger, given the advances predicted for the sequel.

The ideal result for Ark creature packs

Striking the Right Balance

ARK: Ascended Pyromane Survival Creature that can be tamed as a mount
Custom image of Katarina Cimbaljevic

Fortunately, there are several paths that groups of creatures can take to succeed with little to no problems. The easiest thing for Studio Wildcard to do while maintaining the power fantasy of these creatures would be server limitations. Essentially, PvP and PvE servers would be split into those that allow creature packs and those that don't. This would avoid a lot of complaining about perks while keeping the creature's power intact. The disadvantage of this is that separating players is never a good thing, especially if the game hits a low point.

The second option would be easier for players: finding a suitable balance for these creatures without sabotaging them. Even though they look similar to some of the coolest modified dinosaurs in the world Ascendedbalance is crucial. One way to do this is to turn the creature into a specialized unit, excelling in one area rather than multiple areas. In that aspect, it would also have to be on the same level as other top options, as if the Pyromane was on the same level as a Rex.

Overall, there is no single solution to the creature pack dilemma. However, the bottom line is that they cannot remain as they are now. If they continue, it will only lead to more controversy, and while it may be a net profit for Studio Wildcard, it will continue to damage the game's reputation. While the franchise still has a large player base and likely a prosperous future, this is one of many recent concerns that could bring it down. Ark: Ascended SurvivalCreature packs have been turbulent so far, but the series' past mistakes could be corrected with future releases.

Source: Ark: Ascended Survival/YouTube