Ark: Survival Ascendeds Aberration DLC adds a map with immense verticality and various biomes that need proper knowledge. The Wasteland Ark will prove a challenge for even the most experienced players. If the harsh irradiation conditions are not the cause of death, the numerous creature killers will be. Many of them are some of the best new dinosaurs out there Aberration.
Fortunately, the DLC adds some useful new gear for players to combat the biggest differences Aberration. For the areas filled with radiation, hazard suits, although not as defensive as other armor, will keep survivors safe. Many other new inclusions are used to traverse the massive cliffs and ravines littered across the map. Finally, new weapons are brought to life to help combat the terrifying mutated threats of Aberration.
Every area in Ark: Survival Ascended's Aberration Map
An endless dive
Aberration is the second-largest map in Ark And Comprises four main zones spread horizontally and vertically across the map. These include the fertile region, the bio-luminescent region, the molten element region and the surface. Each area is unique in its own right and has a handful of notable locations to visit for critical resources. The fifth "zone" is the arena where players will fight the Rockwell boss. This is the only host of Aberration and requires the three artifacts and drops from the new creatures to enter.
Everything in the fertile area of ​​aberration
The Green Zone
The fertile area is the safest area on the map but still holds some danger. It's home to many "easy" spawn points, but even these can occasionally be filled with raptors or the new Basilisk. These can be avoided with some luck long enough to set up a quick base and some gear to survive.
The fertile area also has ample amounts of resources to find things like fungal wood, mushrooms, gems, crystals, silica pearls and polymer. Many of them are much harder to buy on other maps.
The most notable locations in this zone include the Mushroom Forest and Fallen Nexus. These two will hold the majority of the resources but also face the most challenges. The Nexus itself is home to the Carkinos, a giant prehistoric crab that, although slow, has devastating attack power. Lastly, the Old Railway Cave is where an artifact will be found. However, this is a very tricky place filled with aberrant dinosaurs, and only small dinosaurs with cryopods can be used.
Everything in the bio-luminescent region of aberration
The blue zone
The bio-luminescent region is where survival becomes a real challenge. This shiny ecosystem has many of the same resources as the fertile area but with more risk. Reapers and Nameless have a chance to spawn and are immediate threats to any without proper preparation. This is also the area survivors will have to go through to reach the Molten Element area, meaning tools to scale vertically are necessary.
The main place in the bio-luminescent area is the Overlook. It is a hot, irradiated place with little water. This will be the main zone players cross, and while resources are plentiful, it is easily the most dangerous in the area. The other noteworthy area is the hidden grotto where another artifact can be found. The cave system is filled with cliffs and underwater parts, making it a challenge to proper gear preparation/navigation rather than what thumbs one has.
Everything in the molten element region of aberration
The red zone
The Molten Element area will be one of the two most dangerous parts of the map. This area is where reapers and nemeses will spawn often. This makes it so that proper mounts are critical. A tamed reaper would be the best, but this is one of AberrationIt's a strange process and requires preparation. The area also has a lot of radiation, along with the liquid element with a damaging effect. Resource-wise, this will be the safest option for Nameless Venom to capture Rock Drakes.
The noteworthy place in the element area is the halls of the reaper. This area requires a radiation suit but will also be filled with repairs. The main reason to go here, apart from repairs, is the elemental vault in the southern part of it. This vault contains another artifact and is more empty of mounts, but is also filled with the same dangers of the Molten Element area..
Everything on the surface of aberration
A place for loot drops
The surface of Aberration Make yourself the outskirts of the map and fill a strange role. It cannot be explored during the day due to the intense heat, but at night it is filled with repairs. However, it is worth taking the risk of this hellscape due to the massive amounts of oil and metals that can be found. The surface is also the only place where loot drops can spawn on the map. This is another zone where name can be farmed, but it is trickier due to the likelihood of interference.
The best asset in exploring the surface is the rock drake. This creature can easily scale cliffs and has an incredible gliding function for traversing distances. It can also cloak itself from repairs with its camouflage ability. Although they can only be acquired by stealing an egg and imprinting on the baby, it is worth the effort to be able to explore not only the surface, but all Aberration With ease and safety.
generally, Aberration Introduces a map where each area is vastly different and includes different challenges. The environmental effects and landscape are already much more menacing than others, and this is further complemented by the amazing creatures of the DLC. Compared to the previous one, Aberration is arguably the best combination of all the different parts of Ark Put together. That is why it is important to know all the regions that make-up Ark: Survival Ascendeds Aberration And what can be found in them.