ark: Survival ascendedIt's new Aberration DLC introduces a new item that is perfect for PvP, but hard to get. Aberration is the fifth DLC to be released for Ark: Survival AscendedAnd the third main map. Like other maps before, Aberration Was once a player-made creation for Ark: Survival EvolvedBut now he has been released again in the reimagined ASA. Also like its predecessors, Aberration Introduces new creatures, new threats and new survival mechanics to the ever popular dino-taming game.
One of the new mechanics is a plant that can be harvested and utilized by players, with a very handy application in combat. however, Gaining access to this rare fruit is difficult, and requires significant player patience on two different fronts. Still, their usefulness in combat cannot be overstated, and it's worth the effort if the player is willing to put in the time.
Ark: Survival Ascended introduces powerful plant species that produce fruits
Organic flashbangs
The Aberration DLC for Ark: Survival Ascended Introduces a kind of organic flashbang: The unusual fruit of plant species p. Resembling a purple bulb, with tendrils that grow silver as they curve upward from the base in a dragonfruit-like structure, Plant species Z fruit makes a striking, desirable collectible from the start. However, unlike most fruit in ArkThe Z fruit is not actually edible - it functions as a throwable grenade. Once thrown at enemies, it explodes in a blinding flash of light, effectively leaving any enemies in the area stunned for a period of approximately ten seconds.
Because fruit has its limitations: It only works on humans and lesser creatures, so it won't do much good against bosses, alpha predators, or similar powerful enemies. The higher the creature's level, the less time it will take for the stun effect to wear off. And it really only works when the target is looking in the direction of the light - if they are on the edge of its range and facing the other direction, they may be immune to the effects.
That said, It's easy to see how Z Fruit is great for both PvP and PvE. It can be used to stun riding players, giving the player using it a prime chance to hit. Z Fruit has a similar effect on many lower-level creatures, but is especially useful against Karkinos and Caprosuchus.
Although his stun effect can make for a useful opening, The Z fruit does no real damage.
These creatures can grab players in their giant claws and gaping jaws, respectively, and drag them away to deal fatal amounts of damage in some disadvantageous position. however, When hit with a Z Fruit Grenade, Carkinos or Caprosuchus will immediately drop the player Or very tame, and remain stunned for a whole ten seconds, giving the player ample opportunity to turn tail and run in the other direction.
This is the easiest, most reliable way to counter the often deadly maneuvers, so it is always advisable to carry a few Z Fruits when venturing into each creature's territory. however, Because fruit cannot be found organicallyAs it does not spawn in the wild. It can only be grown on a player-controlled base, but this is a complicated and time-consuming process.
How to Grow Your Own Z Fruit in ASA: Aberration
Finding & Growing That Seed
Unlike other plants in Ark, Players cannot simply walk up to a plant species Z Onion and hack it with a tool until it drops a seed. They can certainly try, but the plant won't even bud, and they will inevitably end up wasting their time and energy trying to get seeds on it. Way.
instead, The player will need to wait for the Z plant to drop a seed, which it does approximately every 60 seconds. However, once they spawn, z seeds only stick around for roughly 30 seconds, so it's incredibly unlikely that the player will ever happen upon one; They are better off finding a plant and waiting until it spawns a seed.
Once they have obtained a seed, the player can take it back to their base, where they need to have a large dill plot prepared for the Z seed. This is the third and final crop plot players can create, and the most flexible by far; It is the only one that can grow rare seeds like this. With the seed planted, players need to be patient againBut thankfully, they won't have to stick around the plant this time. They can go out and collect materials, fight bosses, tame creatures, or do whatever else they do in ASAThen return later to check the fruit.
Crafting a large crop plot requires 80 Wood, 40 Roof, 60 Fiber and 100 Stone.
finally, Once a Z fruit is picked, it remains good for a limited time. Like all other fruits in ArkThe moment a piece of Z fruit leaves the vine, a spoilage timer starts ticking. Z fruits last for six hours before spoiling. So players will need to use them quickly, almost immediately after picking them up, to ensure they actually work. And any Z Fruit left in the player's inventory after logging off for an extended period of time, or overnight, will almost certainly spoil in the interim, so it's best to use Z Fruit as soon as an opportunity presents itself.
Although Z Fruit can be difficult to obtain, it is an endlessly useful tool in the player's arsenal, especially against some of the more difficult enemies that make their debut in Aberration. As a result, it is always worth the effort to grow these rare fruits Ark: Survival Ascended.