Supernatural Season 16 Can't Happen Without Lucifer, But There's a Good Reason He'll Never Return as a Villain

Supernatural Season 16 Can't Happen Without Lucifer, But There's a Good Reason He'll Never Return as a Villain

Lucifer is one of the biggest parts of Supernatural
despite his position as an antagonist, but without him the story is incomplete. Although Supernatural had a spectacular 15-season run from 2005 to 2020, there is a large population of fans who want the show to return for a 16th season. However, season 15 gave the main cast a final send-off, with Dean Winchester dying and making peace with it and Sam having the opportunity to move on and live a normal life.

But to reach this resolution, many important events occurred with the entire world and universe on the brink of destruction. Chuck, aka God, was working on all of his creations by hitting the reset button, and the Winchesters teamed up with Jack, a Nephilim who has a partially divine lineage, to save everything. To fight God, Jack needed to hone his powers, and with Dean accepting his role as a vessel for the archangel Michael, he was capable of killing Luciferthe god of Hell, and set Jack on the path to becoming the next God.

Lucifer was such a good character that no supernatural revival could happen without him

Lucifer met his end in Supernatural season 15

Evidently, this means that the second most frequently featured angel in the series, after Castiel, is clearly gone for good. Yes, he was Jack's father, and as the new God, Jack is trying to right wrongs, restore entire worlds, and put everything in order, but what would it mean if he brought Lucifer back? It would certainly create tension, but perhaps that would be perfect as a setup for a Supernatural season 16.

On the other hand, undoing Lucifer's death feels a bit like going back. Lucifer was one of the most interesting and attractive characters in Supernaturaland since season 1, the character has been mentioned frequently. Starting in season 5, they were played by Mark Pellegrino, who became the face and voice of Lucifer in the series. With your story so closely linked to the Winchesters and Jack, it wouldn't be right to continue the story without him.

Lucifer is no longer scary (or strong) enough to be the main supernatural villain

The situation turned supernatural

However, there is a clear shift in the power dynamics in the Supernatural universe. Although the boys initially found themselves fighting the most powerful angels in existence and directly at odds with Chuck, the father of creation, they had the disadvantage. Now, the The Winchesters gained an advantage by siding with the new God, Jackand the angel who is considered leader among all the others, Castiel. Chuck left the Supernatural universe, and Hell doesn't have a demon or angel strong enough to rise up and claim the position of leader.

Lucifer died, with his power being diverted to his son, Jack, and even if he was brought back, it wouldn't make sense to give him his full strength. But this means he would become a much less prominent or powerful character. He no longer has any advantages and as a result is not as scary or impressive as a villain. Then, Supernatural would need to turn their attention to some other threat in order to create a compelling storyline for season 16.

Supernatural Season 16 Should Finally Redeem Lucifer After Years of Teases

Lucifer is long overdue for a redemption arc

However, with Lucifer declaimed, this could open the door for a very interesting twist when it comes to Lucifer. Being the father of lies and deceit, Lucifer often worked to turn the Winchesters against each other and employed every trick possible to bring them into conflict. During the course of the show, there were moments when it seemed like Lucifer had real, genuine emotionsand a spark of empathy that can grow when seeing the character redeemed. However, the original show never featured a redemption arc for Lucifer.

If Supernatural If season 16 were made, it would be a great opportunity to finally see Lucifer turn his back on his evil past and embrace good. With no chance of becoming the next God, his powers have been drained, leaving him vulnerable against his former subjects in Hell and a son to connect with. Lucifer has never had so many reasons to seek a change of character. Of course it would take time to gain Jack and the boys' trust, but it could be a great setup for Supernatural season 16.