Warning: Spoilers for Action Comics #1074Superman The costume is iconic for a number of reasons, but its latest update could be an improvement. The Man of Steel undergoes a major overhaul as a result of his adventures through time, and his Kryptonian influences make him stand out from the costume he's used to. This Superman redesign's high-tech updates to his appearance make it a contender for his best costume yet.
In Action comics #1074 by Mark Waid, Clayton Henry, Michael Shelfer, Matt Herms and Dave Sharpe, Superman has traveled to Krypton's past through the Phantom Zone and now he must avoid detection among his people to not alter the course of time. To maintain discretion, he renounces his usual attire to hide the recognizable symbol of the House of El.
Superman replaces his superhero costume with an outfit that more closely matches Kryptonian fashion trends, and is unlike anything he has ever worn before. This reformulation is a big change from her normal attire. Swapping classic sensibilities for a modernized aesthetic, this Superman outfit makes an immediate impression as one of his coolest looks to date.
Superman's Kryptonian redesign stands out from his usual appearance
Superman replaces his traditional costume with a high-tech upgrade
Superman has officially traded in his superhero gear for something more suited to Krypton. This new reformulation a minimalist, futuristic vibe that visibly ties the Man of Steel to his alien heritage. Instead of his red and blue color scheme, he uses red and black over pristine white. Additionally, the costume does not feature Superman's cape, reflecting how he is no longer able to act as Superman due to his powerlessness on Krypton. When Clark Kent isn't in costume, he usually wears the laid-back plaids of a farm boy, so this refined outfit is a bold departure.
The “it factor” that enhances Superman’s new costume is the Kryptonian technology he implemented into it. Superman wears his new solar gauntlets on his wrists, which allow him to use his powers without needing the energy of the yellow sun. Their elegant red design makes them a perfect accessory for this outfit. Additionally, he wears yellow sunglasses that can scan his surroundings and display coordinates. Superman doesn't normally rely on technology in his normal costumeand this high-tech redesign is therefore a far cry from its standard styling. This is already one of the most attractive Superman designs in DC history.
Other Superman Remakes Subvert His Classic Costume
DC has updated Superman's costume several times in its long history
This doesn't mark the first time Superman has received a major design overhaul. In fact, one of her redesigns follows a similar design philosophy as her most recent outfit. In Superman: Fall of Godhe becomes trapped in the Bottle City of Kandor and loses his memories of his life on Earth. During his time in Kandor, he wears a striking costume with a color scheme reminiscent of the current one, suggesting it is a common Kryptonian style choice. From him Fall of God costume is another futuristic reimagining of the Man of Steelproving that Superman is perfectly suited to wear the fashions of his people.
Superman: Fall of God - written by Joe Kelly and Michael Turner with art by Talent Caldwell - is now available digitally and in collected formats from DC Comics!
Superman has used other costumes that expand on the tried and true with unique touches. Its redesign in Superman and the Authority by Grant Morrison and Mikel Janín, for example, also takes a modern approach to this DC hero, making his suit short-sleeved and taking off his cape. Another approach to updating Superman for a new era is his New 52 costume, which takes his blue suit and swaps out the red shorts for a belt. DC has given Superman many amazing costumes over the years, but there is only one that has stood the test of time.
Superman's traditional costume will always be his best
Superman's Kryptonian costume is cool, but nothing beats the original
Despite Superman's countless redesigns, he will always return to his traditional costume – and with good reason. He has used variations since his debut in Action comics #1 by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster, tweaking it but never straying too far from its core facets. Superman wearing Krypton-worthy attire in the context of a disguise is acceptablebut it wouldn't fit the friendly image he seeks to convey on Earth. As great as some of the other outfits are, including his new Kryptonian disguise, none of them can fully replace the costume everyone knows and loves.
It's fun to see Superman try out new looks.
Superman's classic superhero costume is considered a classic for good reason. It doesn't look that cold, while its Kryptonian appearance can be imposing at first glance. Instead, traditional attire presents an inviting image of a hero with bright colors and a flowing cape. His costume also incorporates Kryptonian elements, such as his family's coat of arms. Still, it's fun to see Superman experiment with new looks, and he might even start implementing Kryptonian technology into his costume going forward now that he's tried it.
Action comics #1074 is now available from DC Comics.