Superman Reveals a Kryptonian Power So Dark He Refuses to Use It

Superman Reveals a Kryptonian Power So Dark He Refuses to Use It

Notice! Spoilers for Batman/Superman: World's Finest #33!Even on top of his enormous array of powers, Superman You can still use them in a dozen different ways each. It makes perfect sense that Superman would have a superpower so deadly that he managed to avoid using that exact application for decades.

Superman uses the surprising and deadly application of his super speed to Batman / Superman: the best in the world #33 by Mark Waid and Adrián Gutiérrez. In this story, Eclipso is slowly taking over the world, driving people crazy as he takes control of their minds, causing them to try to hurt themselves or others. Naturally, this causes the Justice League to become quite spread out.

Comic Panels: Superman Drains All the Oxygen From a Room

Needing to move from one disaster to another as quickly as possible, Superman reveals the surprisingly dark aspect of his super speed. Despite having to quickly deal with a group of armed guards who turned their weapons on themselves and civilians, Superman simply uses his super speed to suck all the air out of the roomsuffocating them all instantly and knocking them out with a simple movement.

Superman's speed has terrifying uses - like suffocating an entire room

Batman / Superman: the best in the world #33 by Mark Waid, Adrián Gutiérrez, Matt Herms and Steve Wands.

It's hard to overstate how many different advantages someone gets from having a variety of superpowers. No one is claiming that Flash isn't fast, but being fast is almost all he has. Characters like Superman are dangerous due to the large number of powers and the different ways they can be used. Recently, Superman used his super strength in conjunction with his super hearing to create a form of echolocation while blind. Likewise, his ability to speed around a room and drain oxygen is a terrifying example of how creative Superman can be.

One of the most fascinating parts of superhero comics is the ability to use powers in creative new ways. While someone like the Flash might “only” have super speed, that super speed can be used to generate and throw lightning, create tornadoes, and even rewind time. Characters like Plastic Man can unlock any lock, as all they need to do is shape their finger to match the lock. In the same way, The huge variety of Superman's powers allows him to create different uses for themhow to use your heat vision as a search light.

Superman's powers have a wide variety of uses and there are always more possibilities

What will the Man of Steel do next?

Comic panel: Superman flies over a street

The absolute core of comics has always been creativity. It took creativity to bring these characters to life, and allowing them to be creative keeps them thriving. Without the creative use of powers, characters with unique powers would be incredibly dull. By continually inventing creative uses for their powers, superheroes can stay current and surprise villains and other heroes alike. Sometimes, however, this “creativity” can result in some incredibly obscure uses, as proven when Superman used his super speed to easily suffocate everyone in a room at the same time.

Batman / Superman: the best in the world #33 is now available from DC Comics!