Warning: Spoilers for Black Lightning #1!Superman trusts one man to be the Justice League's problem solver, and it's not his Trinity buddies. 2024 marks the year that the Justice League officially returned after a brief hiatus following Dark Crisis. As they head into a new Unlimited roster, the Man of Steel is certain that one person on the team will be the glue that holds everyone together - but it's not Batman or Wonder Woman.
Instead of, Superman thinks the Justice League's problem solver will be Black Boltas given in Black Lightning #1 by Brandon Thomas, Fico Ossio, Ulises Arreola and Lucas Gattoni. In his hiring of Jefferson Pierce and what his friend has already done for the team in its resurgence, this immediately names him to a new position within the League - one that they will need if the JLA is to last this time around. .
Furthermore, it's a telling sign of the long history Superman shares with Pierce that he can trust and position Black Lightning in such an important role.
Superman supports Black Lightning to solve problems before they start
The Justice League needs Black Bolt's abilities
Black Lightning #1 accompanies the latest DC event, Absolute powerwhere Superman and co. decided that the catastrophe started by Amanda Waller is a sign that the Justice League needs to return. When choosing a new lineup, Black Lightning emerged as one of the recruits. This debut edition of the character's solo series shows how Black Lightning has already gained prominence within the League, namely with the institution of the Shoebox for the Justice League Watchtower.
How do ordinary people, like the last client, Isaac Mitchell, have dormant metahuman genes activated as a direct result of Absolute powerThe Shoebox serves as a containment program for these people to understand, test, and train their new powers before they become a problem. Superman takes the opportunity to praise Black Lightning for "being proactive, solving problems BEFORE they blow up in our faces, is not something the League has always excelled at." When readers understand Superman's history with Black Bolt, it makes even more sense why he is convinced that Pierce can be the Justice League's problem solver.
Why Superman trusts Black Lightning as the Justice League's troubleshooter
Dating back to their humble beginnings together
By reintroducing Black Lightning back into the canon, DC Comics reveals a lost story showing how Superman and Black Lightning met, as shown in Action comics #1067. It happened at a time when Clark Kent was still relatively young in his superhero career, while Jefferson Pierce was still just a mild-mannered teacher working in the suicide slums of Metropolis. While Kent interviews Pierce, an alien invasion interrupts the festivities. Without any powers, Jefferson tries to fend off the invaders with his fists, proving to be an avid problem solver before becoming Black Lightning..
Although this was the first meeting between Superman and Jefferson Pierce (and, by extension, Clark Kent and Jefferson Pierce), The Last Son of Krypton wouldn't come face to face with Jefferson's superhero in DC continuity until 1977 Black Lightning #5. Black Lightning tries to save Jimmy Olsen in the previous issue, but when Superman arrives on the scene and sees Lightning standing over his unconscious best friend, a misunderstanding occurs forcing the two to fight. Everything is made clear when Jimmy wakes up, and after the fact, Superman seems impressed by Lightning's resilience in their fight.
Pierce didn't give up, despite being clearly defeated by Superman. Furthermore, Supes seemed even more impressed with Black Bolt's success in clearing the Suicide Slums. Next to Justice League of America #173, where Superman, Flash, Green Lantern and Green Arrow arrive at Black Lightning with an offer to join the League. Pierce would decline in an effort to dedicate his full time to cleaning up the Suicide Slums, but It's an early sign of the potential Superman saw in Black Lightning from the beginning. Now, Black Lightning is living up to that potential perfectly.
Black Lightning is emerging just when the Justice League needs him most
Superman chose the right man for the job
What's most telling about Superman's pep talk with Jefferson in Black Lightning Number 1 is when he says that the Justice League hasn't been great at solving problems before they happen. There is certainly history in this statement, as some readers may be reminded of Batman's contingency plans as they read Superman's words. Its contingencies existed to have solutions to problems within the League before they happened, but as seen in Tower of Babel, The Dark Knight's strategy created more problems than solutions for the League. Batman lost confidence in his attempt at proactiveness, while Black Lightning endeared him to Superman and the JLA.
Speaking of the League, it could be argued that the Justice League's decision to disband to reevaluate itself was an attempt to be proactive that only created more problems in the long run. While the Titans did ample work as DC's premier superteam in his absence, a world without the JLA was still left even more defenseless during Amanda Waller's attack. Batman, Superman, and Wonder Woman had good intentions when they made the decision, but again, it caused more problems than it solved.
Black Lightning is exactly the mind needed to keep the team afloat. Justice League Unlimited hasn't been active for long and Black Lightning has already created a solution to help citizens keep their new powers in check. He is proving to be just as effective off the battlefield as he is on it. Not only will this give Black Lightning longevity within the team, but it will also help shape the Justice League into something stronger than ever by being proactive beyond just punching aliens. No wonder why Superman trusts Black Lightning so much with his team.
Black Lightning #1 is on sale now at DC Comics