Subaru's 10 Most Brutal Deaths in Re: Zero

Subaru's 10 Most Brutal Deaths in Re: Zero

Re: Zero - starting life in another world is one of the darkest isekai series around. It features a bleak world filled with brutal consequences. Main character Natsuki Subaru is summoned to the new world and given a strange power in Return by Death. It allows him to return to life after he is killed, but he cannot choose the time in which he returns. Sometimes it's the same point for weeks, other times the save point changes. No matter when he comes back, His first deaths are always brutal.

One of the best isekai anime of all time, Re: Zero has an incredibly fresh premise that it thoroughly explores. Subaru died over a dozen times in the Re: Zero Anime, and only a few of them could be considered peaceful. Most of his deaths are at the hands of people that Subaru doesn't stand a chance against, which makes him feel even more helpless. Although he suffers constantly, Subaru was able to keep his head up and continue to march forwardAlthough in more and more death.


Stabs himself in the throat

A meaningless suicide

Subaru learns that he can control his back through death power to a certain extent. Although he cannot choose the exact point he returns to, it is usually at a predictable time. During the beginning of the second season, Subaru learns that Rem and her party were attacked by Lye Batenkaitos, the Sin Archbishop of Glatani. The archbishop's special ability is to eat not only people, but To eat their memories and their identity.


When Subaru realizes that no one even remembers who Rem was, he decides to end his life to reset the save point. He ran into a pile of sharp stones just too late. His save point was after Rem had already been attacked, Making his brutal suicide completely meaningless. It's hard to watch Death because it's animated from the first-person perspective too.


Murdered by Elsa in the library

Betrayed by Beatrice

During the second season of Re: Zero, Subaru is trying to organize a lot of moving pieces at once. He tries to help Emilia figure out her problems in the sanctuary, and also finds a way to leave with everyone. When he returns to Rosvaal's mansion, he returns to even more problems. He was initially killed by Elsa before returning yet againThis time escape to Beatrice's hiding room. He berates Beatrice for not helping the people in the mansion before Elsa breaks into the room and kills him yet again.

Elsa has killed Subaru several times and every death is horrible. She is an assassin who uses giant blades to kill her victims, slicing Subaru apart again and again. Re: Zero usually uses a first-person perspective when Subaru dies, Making each death feel all too intimate.


Owned by Betelgeuse

His friends had to kill him

Re: Zero is an unforgiving game of inches. Just when Subaru thinks he's made progress, something terrible happens that sets him back and causes him to die again. Defeating Petelgeuse Romanée-Conti, the Archbishop of Sloth, was incredibly difficult. When the group thinks they've finally pulled it off, Felix learns that one of his fellow merchants is actually in the witch cult and possesses one of the fingers. The situation gets out of control, and eventually Subaru becomes possessed.


He runs into the forest away from everyone. When Felix and Julius caught him, it was already too late. He asks the couple to kill him. The death itself isn't that brutal, especially compared to some of Subaru's other deaths, But its meaning is heartbreaking. Subaru worked so hard to get past the witch cult, only to have to return to his meeting after defeating the White Whale.


Decapitated by Pak

A quick, sad death

Subaru dies to pack three times in a row In the first season of Re: Zero. The witch's cult attacks Rosvaal's mansion and Arlam Village again and again, and Pak is unable to protect anyone. When Subaru gets back to the mansion, all he can do is die. In one of his most brutal deaths, Subaru and Rem are captured by the witch's cult. Rem is tortured in front of Subaru terribly, using the last of her strength to free him before dying.


Subaru carries her body back to the mansion in a daze only to find it frozen. As he slowly freezes to death, pack out, decapitating him quickly. It is a death that reminds everyone just like hope Re: Zero Can be. Although Subaru thinks he has made progress by participating in the royal selection, The witch's cult is there to destroy everything.


Frozen by pack

Subaru laughed again

Episode 15 of the first season of Re: Zero featured several deaths in one. Emilia is hunted by the witch's cult in Rosvaal's mansion and keeps getting killed, but she is not the only one who faces their wrath. Subaru returns to Earlem Village to find that the witch cult was already there and slaughtered everyone. He fears the worst and heads to the mansion, but the witch's cult beats him there too.


With options, Subaru decides to finally open up to Emilia and tell her about his return through death ability. Although it doesn't hurt him as usual, it kills Emilia. Pak finds Subaru and kills him in revenge. There is a sad death in the series because it proves that Subaru can't open up to people without hurting him. He will have to bear this burden himself if he wants to help Emilia.


threw himself into the rocks

Trying to fix everything on his own

The beginning of Re: Zero See that Subaru is killed several times. He doesn't know exactly what's going on and spends most of his life trying not to die. After dying several times in Roswaal's mansion, Subaru makes a pact with Beatrice to keep him alive. The covenant works, but Rem dies instead. Subaru tries to fix the situation by Flying on some sharp rocks off a cliff, killing himself. It's a shocking death animated from the first person, which makes it even more jarring.

Technically, Subaru's idea worked. By dying, he was able to go back in time and save Ram, while proving his loyalty to the maids. It's a much better death than his other self-inflicted deaths that ended up being inconsequential. While this death worked out for Subaru, Watch him dive head-first into a mountain of sharp rocks Didn't make it any easier.


Rem killed him

Subaru tried to explain

Subaru's first days in Roswaal's mansion were some of his worst. Because of his mysterious return by death ability, Subaru smells like he has the witch factor about him. Ram and Ram immediately became suspicious of him and killed him several times. Subaru suspects that something is amiss so he waits outside the mansion for his attacker, only to find his Rem himself. Not only does Rem chase Subaru down, But she tortures him cruelly while she kills him.

This is one of the saddest deaths in the series Because of how cold Subaru's future friends treat him. Rem hits him with her stick while he questions him and Subaru doesn't have the answer she's looking for. He is left to wake up in the mansion just to try to free his killers one more time.


Killed by thugs

A cruel way to die

Subaru's third death is a sad one for wildly different reasons than his other deaths. While his other deaths are usually meaningful, The dead could not have been less. Subaru meets Benitz in an alley and abandons them completely, because it is the third time he meets them. He forgets that this is their first time seeing him due to his return by death ability, and when he tries to rush past them, one of the thugs stabs him. They flee the scene as Subaru bleeds to death.

Subaru died to the great rabbit, Satella the jealous witch, and to Puck, the beast of the end. His accidental death to cowardly thugs in a random back alley In Lugunica is not on the same scale as his other deaths, adding to his brutality. It is a cruel and cold death at the hands of people too afraid to see it through.


First death to Elsa

An unexpected death and the first of Subaru

Natsuki Subaru was a normal NEET before he escaped to the land of Lugunica. He is rightfully confused by what is going on, but travels with the elf named Satella while he gets an idea of ​​the world around him. While looking for the thief who stole Satella's (Emilia) insignia, they find the murderer, Elsa. Elsa slices through Subaru's stomach Before he knows what is happening. He dies on the ground confused by what just happened, reaching out to Satella in his final moments.

Subaru's first death in the series sets the tone early. Re: Zero Is not a friendly series with light issues. It's a dark isekai series willing to put its main character through absolute hell if he wants to survive. Elsa is one of the scariest characters in the series Due to her clean death. She is one of the few characters around who threatens Subaru's life every time she is on screen.


Death by bunnies

One of the worst ways to go

The second season of Re: Zero Saw Subaru Facing even more brutal death puzzles. He is constantly trying to find ways to beat the future and live in the reality where he and all his friends get to live. When he passes Garfiel in the Sanctuary, he thinks he finally has a chance for survival. Unfortunately, Rosvaal summoned the Great Rabbit to the Sanctuary, one of the three Great Witchbeasts in Re: Zero And the last bunny anyone would want to see.

Subaru saw a bunny in the snow and went to pet it. Before he realized what had happened, The rabbit bit off his hand. More rabbits came and eventually overwhelmed Subaru, eating him to death. It is probably the most painful death in Re: Zero And easily the hardest to watch, making it one of the saddest deaths in anime history. Subaru has been decapitated, frozen to death, and even bludgeoned with a mob, but being eaten to death is a brutal new low for him in Re: Zero.