Storm's first move as a solo hero is a direct insult to Cyclops (are they becoming enemies?)

Storm's first move as a solo hero is a direct insult to Cyclops (are they becoming enemies?)

Contains spoilers for Tempest (2024) #1!like Storm Embracing her future as a solo hero in the Marvel Universe, she quickly found herself at odds with Cyclops. Rage will always stay true to herself, but that doesn't mean her actions won't have consequences for other mutants. What her choice means for her relationships with the mutants is now the big question.

Storm #1 - written by Murewa Ayodele, with art by Lucas Werneck - illustrates just how divided the X-Men are now. While rescuing civilians, Storm discovers that the cause of a disaster in a nuclear reactor is a newly revealed mutant, and after false rumors spread about all the possibilities of what happened, she goes public with the news.

Storm #1 Cover by Mateus Manhanini - Storm soars through the glowing sky with purple lighting

This puts her in direct contrast to Cyclops, who recently hid the reality of a similar mutant manifestation when it also caused a major disaster.

Storm and Cyclops find themselves on opposite sides of Mutantkind's latest crisis

Storm #1 - Written by Murewa Ayodele; Art by Lucas Werneck; Color by Alex Gomes; Lettering by Travis Lanham

Comic book panels: Cyclops and Storm walk through the X-Men base in Alaska.

While Storm adjusts to life as an Avenger and solo hero, Cyclops is leading a new team in the relaunched X-Men Series, III called a secret group 3K Were engineering their own mutants, they found a way to activate the X-gene in adults. X-Men #2 Seeing this happen in the most destructive way possible, with one of the group's victims, Ben Liu, manifesting reality warping powers that reflected his traumatized belief that he had been kidnapped by aliens. While Cyclops chose to emphasize the role that a mutant played in this situation, Storm chose the opposite route in Storm #1.

Storm's decision to discover a mutant was complicit in the nuclear crisis in Storm #1 is a direct contradiction of Cyclops' perspective on the same issue - setting up a potential confrontation between the two.

in X-Men #2, Cyclops made the executive decision to hide Liu's manifestation, letting the 'alien invasion' story stick, in order to keep things worse for mutants and to keep the mystery mutant manifestations under wraps from an already paranoid public. Storm's decision to discover a mutant was complicit in the nuclear crisis in Storm #1 is a direct contradiction of Cyclops' perspective on the same issue - setting up a potential confrontation between the two that could have major consequences for the X- Franchise.

Storm's decision in her debut solo issue may impact her relationship with her mutant allies

Storm #1 - Available now from Marvel Comics

It will be fascinating to see how this decision affects Storm's relationship with Cyclops and the wider X-Men. Avengers #18 featured Storm acting as the liaison between the Avengers and Cyclops' X-Men squad, as they teamed up to stop the threat of Hyperion, leading to Storm accepting an invitation to join the Avengers. While the two were on decent terms in this story, Storm made it clear that she preferred to be part of a team of equals like the Avengers, rather than one where a single individual - especially Scott - had the first and last say..


interesting, Storm #1 Also showing the hero on good terms with Frenzy, who is currently part of Havok's government-sponsored X-Factor team in the rebooted X-Factor. The team couldn't be more different than Cyclops' X-Men, and Scott has already expressed his disappointment with his brother in X-Men #3. In a world where Storm hadn't discovered the new mutant manifestation, she could have been the mediator between the two sides, but that's unlikely to be an option anymore. It wouldn't even be shocking if all of X-Factor also cut ties with her after what happened in Storm #1.

Storm X-Men Franchise future is unclear

Cover of X-Men (2024) #8, Assault on Greymalkin Part 1. Rogue punches Cyclops in the face, while her own eyes glow as if she's taken his powers.

One question is how this ties into the larger mutant vs. mutant conflict brewing in the main X- Books. The upcoming Raid on Greymalkin Crossover, happening in X-Men and Uncanny X-Men, promises to pit the two teams against each other over their different ideological approaches as they try to liberate the former X-Mansion, which has been turned into 'Grymalkin Prison'. It is currently unclear why these Invisible The team, led by Rogue, were against Cyclops' side, but they were certainly more friendly with the general public than his team, so they likely hewed closer to her perspective.

With the X-Men so divided, Storm's latest decision could push her away from Cyclops, further separating her from the rest of Mutantkind.

If the title Attack Happened secretly, then Storm doesn't know it's even happening, Especially if she and Cyclops aren't on speaking terms Storm #1. It's hard to imagine she knows about Greymalkin, since Storm isn't the type to stop the government literally putting her fellow X-Men in prisons. In any case, what side storm would take in these X- Franchise equivalent of Marvel's "Civil War" is currently not clear. With the X-Men so divided, Storm Last decision may push you away from CyclopsAnd further separates her from the rest of the mutant children.

Storm #1 is available now from Marvel Comics.