Warning: spoilers for Storm #2!There's nothing Marvel's resident Weather Goddess can't do. Storm headed X-Mensat on the throne of Wakanda, served as regent of Arakko, and emerged as one of Earth's fiercest defenders. As she prepares to face new challenges and secure her place in the post-Krakoa world, she showcases a fresh look to match, and the Cruel Storm Costume is one of her best.
Marvel unveils stunning images from the upcoming Storm #2 by Mureva Ayodele and Lukas Werneck featuring Storm's eye-catching "Fierce Storm Suit" as named by writer Ayodele. The full body suit is royal white with gold trim.and the elegant costume change came after Ororo worked to establish herself as a solo hero after years of leading and working alongside the X-Men and other teams.
While she still holds a position in the Avengers, this is a new dawn for the weather-controlling mutant. Although Storm is no stranger to changing her appearance, The Cruel Storm Suit gives her the power that only Ororo Munroe can create.
"Costume of Fierce Storm" Storm marks the beginning of her new era
Storm #2 Cover by Matheus Manhanini
Storm has a long line of achievements under her belt, and she has long established herself as one of the most capable and powerful heroes to grace the Earth. She claims to be an Omega mutant thanks to her extraordinary weather-controlling abilities, and has been trusted by teams, countries and lives for years. Her new series proves that nothing is slowing her down. Even as she fights the radiation she suffered in Storm #1, she continues to travel the world, protecting its oceans, caring for its creatures, and pouring her many gifts into becoming a true custodian of the planet.
At first glance, the Cruel Storm Suit appears to be a simple costume change, but the change is much more than that. Ororo is entering a new chapter in her life. and changing the costume is another way to demonstrate this. She established a base in her beautiful Storm Sanctum, announced her plunge into politics, and teamed up with the Avengers. Her sheer strength already makes her one of Earth's strongest heroes, but her desire to improve the planet elevates her to the rank of the most powerful mutant. Marvel has ushered in a new era for mutants, and it's certainly a new era for Storm.
The Storm's power and influence continue to grow
Panel from Storm #1, available now from Marvel Comics.
While the X-Men are at odds with conflicting goals, Storm continues to focus on her personal path forward and the future she wants to see for her people and the planet as a whole. She has spent years guiding others and building relationships that can now help her make the lasting impact she has always been capable of, and her future is entirely in her hands. Ororo Munroe is finally taking the world by storm like only she and her Brutal Storm The costume symbolizes her growth as a hero beyond her existence with X-Men — as well as its changing place on the planet.
Storm #2 will be available November 20, 2024 from Marvel Comics.
Source: Marvel