Steven Spielberg's first blockbuster is coming to Netflix in September (along with 3 of its sequels)

Steven Spielberg's first blockbuster is coming to Netflix in September (along with 3 of its sequels)

Steven Spielberg's classic blockbuster Jaws is heading to Netflix in September, and the sequels will also be coming to the platform. The movie was based on Peter Benchley's book, which came out just one year before Spielberg released his breakout movie. While the director previously worked on Duel (1971) and The Sugarland Express (1974), it was Jaws What made him the famous creator that he is today.

With sharks wreaking havoc on various fictional tourist destinations, staying home and watching adventures from Amity Island and SeaWorld is probably the wisest decision. Three of the four Jaws Movies will now stream directly from a popular platform. Jaws, Jaws 2And Jaws 1-d Will be coming to Netflix The 1st of SeptemberWhere they will join Spielberg band of brothers For easy viewing.

For fans of...

  • Steven Spielberg's filmography

  • Roy Scheider, Robert Shaw and Richard Dreyfuss

  • Grounded thrillers with a focus on character and realistic situations

  • Horror involving sea creatures

Why you should watch Jaws on Netflix

Today, Spielberg is a well-known director with a favorite content in his catalog. When he first started directing his famous shark movie, however, he was still a relatively unknown name in Hollywood. His skills in developing the world of Amity Island helped him to establish, because it takes an extraordinary movie to start a career as respected as his. Without JawsIt is unlikely that there would ever have been an et the extra-terrestrial (1982), A Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), or a Schindler's List (1993), because studios may have been less willing to take risks on a new director.

Outside of boosting Spielberg's career, the horror of Jaws is its biggest draw. Characters are routinely hounded by a shark that rarely shows its face. Spielberg never shies away from showing the sheer terror of being chased by deadly sea life or worrying about children trapped in the water. It helps that he includes surreal characters that could have been drawn from Herman Melville's. Moby-Dick. Robert Shaw's Quint, Roy Scheider's Martin Brody, and Richard Dreyfuss' Matt Hooper all feel larger than life, which helps them stand out against the threat of the Great White in the original.


Although the later movies are not quite as beloved, they are worth watching, if only to complete the story. the last movie, Jaws: The Revenge (1987), doesn't come to Netlix, but the other three need to be witnessed to fully grasp the enormity of the stakes in a relatively grounded story. The suspense stands above all else, because the often-unseen shark can draw attention from even the most seasoned viewer. Even those who have seen it before can have the opportunity to see a classic movie again from the comfort of their own couch.

what ScreenRant Said about Jaws:

There are almost too many shockingly iconic moments in Jaws to count, and the sheer abundance of them proves why it has earned a well-deserved place as a classic must-watch movie by many critics and viewers alike. In 1975, Steven Spielberg unconditionally created the summer blockbuster that changed the movie business forever with the shark movie Jaws - a suspense-filled, seafaring thriller that brought artistic filmmaking techniques and careful character development to a high-concept Hollywood production. Hailed as one of the greatest films ever made. Jaws: 10 Most Iconic Moments, Ranked

Jaws key fax

Box Office

$476.5 million (Jaws$208 million (Jaws 2$88 million, (Jaws 1-d)

Rotten Tomatoes critics score

97% (Jaws), 56% (Jaws 2), 11% (Jaws 1-d)

Rotten Tomatoes audience score

90% (Jaws), 39% (Jaws 2), 17% (Jaws 1-d)

Major awards

Academy Award for Best Film Editing (Jaws), Best Original Dramatic Score (Jaws), best health (Jaws).

5 other great thrillers on Netflix right now

  • American Psycho (2000)
  • Bird Box (2018)
  • Leave the world behind (2023)
  • Natural born killers (1994)
  • The stranger (2022)