Warning: Spoilers for Transformers #13Starscream new origin story is revealed in the Energon Universe Transformers tradition, and with it comes the hidden meaning of his name. As Starscream drifts in and out of consciousness, his mind takes him back to Cybertron and the days before the war - and the moments that finally transformed him into Starscream.
Transformers #13 by Daniel Warren Johnson, Jason Howard, Mike Spicer and Rus Wooton follows Starscream after his devastating fight against Soundwave in issue #7 of the series, weakened by his devastating beating at the hands of Soundwave. Not only do your unconscious flashbacks give much-needed information about Starscream's originbut also create a picture of what Cybertron was like before the war.
Additionally, the scenes explain how certain characters ended up where they were. But these flashbacks also reveal surprising details about these characterssending them in unexpected directions before they eventually become their more familiar selves. They also serve to make the Energon Universe feel larger, as these flashbacks feature more characters from the larger universe. Transformers series.
Transformers Reveals that “Starscream” is actually an Ultra-Dark codename
Starscream's Updated Origin, Explained
Within the issue's flashbacks, It is revealed that Starscream was originally called Ulchtar. He was a scientist on Cybertron and was initially neutral in the early days of the war. He and his friends Jetfire and Genvo, the latter already with the Decepticons, set out to see Omega Supreme fly overhead. Ulchtar fires a stockpile of ammunition to be seen by Omega Supreme, who responds by waving to Ulchtar and his friends. Shortly after, Jetfire goes in search of more Energon to save Cybertron.
He says his name is Starscream, cementing his role as a new member of the Decepticon Order and showing the first step Starscream takes toward villainy.
The flashback jumps forward in time, as Ulchtar and his lab are caught in the crossfire between the Autobots and the Decepticons. Genvo evacuates his friend to safety, only to be shot and killed by Optimus Prime. As Genvo is dying, Ulchtar is found by Megatron, who convinces Ulchtar to join the Decepticons. When Megatron asks what his name is, Ulchtar's eyes change from blue to red, and he says his name is Starscream, cementing his role as a new member of the Decepticon Order and showing the first step Starscream takes toward villainy.
The meaning of Starscream's name makes him an even better character
Starscream's past is added to his present
As Genvo dies, he remembers seeing Omega Supreme above Cybertron and Ulchtar's response to firing munitions to be seen by the Guardian Robot. Genvo tells Ulchtar, “You screamed for the stars to see us” before passing by. From here Ulchtar repurposes his best friend's last words into a new name for himself and with it a new identity as Starscream. officially leaving behind his old life as Ulchtar and his hesitation to enter the war next to that old life and name.
Taking on the name Starscream also serves many purposes for him. Not only does it constantly remind you of your deceased friend, but also what he can do. And while he's thinking about Genvo's last words, he will also always remember that it was the Autobots who killed him, constantly reigniting Starscream's anger towards them and his devotion to the cause. Finally, the new name represents a tragedyas Starscream took what was supposed to be a moment of joy between him and his friends and turned it into something to regret.
Starscream has many different origins in different iterations of Transformers lore
Which origin is best?
Multiple Transformers continuities gave Starscream their own origin storiesespecially in comics. The wonder Transformers the series featured Starscream as the head of a criminal organization before a war between two city-states led Megatron to found the Decepticons, with Starscream being one of the first members. The Dreamwave Comics continuity envisions Starscream as a former scientist who engaged in gladiatorial combat before joining Megatron. Finally, both the 2005 IDW continuity and its 2019 reboot write Starscream as a despicable politician, even before joining the Decepticons.
The Energon Universe origin story for Starscream taking some elements from the 1984 cartoon such as his past as a scientist and his friendship with Jetfire differs from the other origins by ultimately making him a sympathetic character. Instead of a hardened criminal, a gladiator, or an amoral politician, this version of Starscream was a gentle soul before he got involved in fighting. Comparing his behavior in these flashbacks to how he behaves in the present day also makes it clear that the war changed him for the worse.
Starscream's new origin story is a change of pace for the traitorous Decepticon, painting him as a tragic figure before the war began and as someone who lost close friends to it. These changes help to humanize Starscream, a character who has rarely been seen in a sympathetic light. Furthermore, they also transform his story into a tragedy, showing that he becomes a representative of the same violence that took Genvo's life, with Star Scream himself being corrupted by war into a darker figure in Transformers tradition.
Transformers #13 is now available on Skybound.