Starfield: Shattered Space's release finally reveals more details about the mysterious Va'ruun faction that has been hiding after the Serpent's Crusade. Much of the expansion focuses on completing a series of missions for the three existing houses: House Uthel, House Dulkhf, and House Kadik. At the end of Shattered SpaceThey are an important aspect of the last decision in the Starfield expansion.
[This article contains major spoilers for the story of Starfield: Shattered Space]Upon defeating Anasko Va'ruun, the Va'ruun temple in Dazra crumbles to the ground, and the player is faced with a decision to support House Veth'al, Dul'kehf, or Ka'dic as the House that will act as Speaker . For the Varun people. Choosing a house to lead the people on Va'ruun'kai is the last decision the player-character will have to make in the main missions for Starfield: Shattered Space. sad, From a gameplay perspective, the house the player chooses at the end of Shattered Space has little to no impact And it doesn't seem to affect events outside of the DLC.
What happens when you choose House Bethel
House and Tel are devout followers
House Vettel, led by the hard-nosed leader Viktor Vettel, is arguably The most militaristic house on Va'ruun'kai. Having perhaps the most compelling story of the three houses, Viktor sets the player-character on an adventure to hunt down and assassinate his son, Vaeric Veth'aal, in the mission "Conflict of Conviction." Eventually, the player locates Vaeric and can decide to spare him and let him live his life under a different identity or fulfill Viktor's wishes and kill him. Regardless of the choice, House Veth'al will believe that Vaeric is dead at the end of the mission.
at the end of Shattered SpaceThe player must stand for all three houses. Lovek speaks for House Wethal, which is the only one of the three houses to anticipate the Dragon's Crusade. Ultimately, regardless of the decision, the player-character has the final say.
When you talk to certain NPCs in town, The player can get dialogue about the outcome of the militaristic house Vethaaal in charge. From a story perspective, this might be the best choice for those who would like to see a second Serpent Crusade, as Vethaal would likely be the best fit for such a task.
What happens when you choose House Dulkhf
House Dulchof is the pragmatic faction
House Dulkhoff, located in the Halls of Healing and led by Hasmak Dulkhoff, is of course The most pragmatic of the Varun houses. Although they are still devout to the Va'ruun religion, this faction is also the most questioning, with more of its ideology based on science and technology. As the player begins "exhuming the past," the player must repair the Ma'leen Dam, where they encounter the Void entities, Karija and Vedrasa Ma'leen, to retrieve the Void Interlock, a special piece of technology required to finish The main mission.
Just like with any of the other house choices, the choice of Dul'kehf, in the end, made no substantial or noticeable difference in the game. From a history perspective, House Dulchof declines to restart the Serpent Crusade, making them the most peaceful of the Houses. This would likely result in a rebuilding of Va'ruun'kai with a more traditional societal structure that still takes religion into account but also implements more secular solutions to problems.
Choosing House Kadik is perhaps the least definitive choice of the three houses - because it has no real value unless it benefits the house itself.
Dul'kehf's choice will also result in some NPCs have unique dialogues about the strength of the new Va'ruun'kai economy and feel overworked. There is even one unique line that discusses potentially opening up trade to other factions in the settled systems. Dul'Khaf should be chosen by those who do not want to continue the Serpent Crusade.
What happens when you choose House Ka'dik
House Co'Dick will do what he can
House Kadik, headed by the chosen senior Razma Kadik, represents the unwieldy underbelly of secret government operations. Similar to Ryujin Industries, the House's strength is derived from backdoor dealings and a sticky alliance with the Va'ruun Zealots, the remnants of what used to be House Ma'leen - followers of Jandar, brother of Jarek Varuun. Talking to Razma results in the start of the mission, "Zealous Overreach," in which the player must find Sahima to continue the main questline.
Just like many politicians in real life, House Kadik refrains from even casting a vote on the Serpent Crusade, taking the middle-of-the-road route that leads to the diviner deciding the fate of an entire planet after only arriving a few days Before. When you talk to settlers after the decision, the fears of the zealots, the return of Beit Mallen, and a greater acceptance of foreigners are echoed. Choosing House Kadik is perhaps the least definitive choice of the three houses - because it has no real value unless it benefits the house itself.
Which house is best in Starfield: Shattered Space?
The choice is rooted in history
From a gameplay perspective, Choosing a safe house has no impact outside of a few unique lines of dialogue from NPCs in Dazra. However, from a story or narrative perspective, choosing a safe house will make more sense depending on the player's goals. Finally, how much of Starfield: Shattered SpaceThe decision to choose a house at the end of the game has little impact on the overall universe.
If the player is a pacifist who believes in pragmatic scientific solutions and who does not want to continue the Serpent's crusade, House Dul'Kef is the best choice. Those who hope that Varun will embrace their militant religious past should choose House Vethel. Those who prefer political espionage, intrigues, and maybe the rise of fanatics should choose Kadik.
There is a possibility in the future that players will find hidden details that relate to the choice in Starfield: Shattered Space Either that Bethesda will add more content or a patch that affects the larger universe more, but for now - this decision is more important from a story perspective than a game. Perhaps the more important decision is the choice to let a house play as a new speaker more generally, as claiming that no house is worthy will lead to the player being banned from Va'ruun'kai and being attacked on site upon their return . In addition, they will not get access to the empty house.