Stardew Valley Player has the perfect (& cutest) solution to prevent failure

Stardew Valley Player has the perfect (& cutest) solution to prevent failure

Stardew Valley Players who are cautious about moving their house and risk passing out due to the longer trek of the Farm Warp Totem should take a page from this fan's book and Build a dedicated campsite for late-night adventures. The 1.6 update for Stardew Valley Introduced the option to move his home anywhere on the farm, a feature that is great for aesthetics but when a hasty bedtime is needed, it can be risky. Fortunately, the latest patch also introduced these Tent kit

Something that the community has adopted to accomplish nightly activities.

On Reddit, user Genetic Music086 Shared very handy advice for moving the farmhouse while mitigating the chance of tripping after using the Farm Warp Totem: A tent that is ready and waiting just outside the teleporter.

Since the tent must be used the day it is constructed (it breaks down overnight), GeneticMusic086 has a nearby box dedicated to housing pre-made tent kits To ensure that they can quickly build one when they need it. An effective solution to a common problem, a camping site on the farm looks quite cozy for farmers who prefer a night under the stars.

Why tents are great in Stardew Valley

It is always good to be prepared

The longer plays Stardew ValleyThe more essential it becomes to formulate strategies to ensure maximum efficiency. While passing on his farm may not result in losing resources, it may cause the farmer to have less energy the next day, requiring several quick meals and a reduction in daily activities to accommodate the drop. It's simply good practice to have a failsafe to ensure this doesn't happen, especially when it serves as an unofficial upgrade to the farm.

The tent kit has become an essential item for many "high-end" Stardew Valley players, because it allows users to spend more time in the world without worrying about the time. Simply building a tent before passing out eliminates the risk of mining late in the evening or fishing in the early morning. Relatively simple to make, requiring 10 hardwood

25 Fiber

and 1 Cloth

, Stardew Valley Players should always carry a tent kit.


Creativity is the key to Stardew Valley

Work with the provided tools

A player running through a forest in Stardew Valley

A game as healthy and expansive as Stardew Valley is begging for players to come up with creative solutions to everyday problems. Although one might think it strange to have a dedicated space for a tent on the farm, With a little imagination it can become a personal campsite for spending the warm summer nights. With enough resources and some fun decorations, it can even be cozier than the farmhouse.

Source: GeneticMusic086/reddit


PC, Xbox One, Android, iOS, PS4, Switch


26 February 2016


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