Stardew Valley has a hard-to-get mask that even the most experienced players don't know about, and it's a direct nod to creators concerned.

Stardew Valley has a hard-to-get mask that even the most experienced players don't know about, and it's a direct nod to creators concerned.

Stardew Valley Has one strange hidden hat that is very difficult to reach, which is also a nod to its developer. With the large collection of hats found throughout the game and with even more hats added in the 1.6 update, there are certainly some that are harder to find than others. This one special hat is only available under certain circumstances and takes after ConcernedApe, providing dedicated players with a challenge that can only be completed by the most loyal Stardew Valley Players.

Hats are only a cosmetic feature in the gameWith no effect other than customization for farmers. If players want to resemble the creator of Stardew Valley With this hat, they will need to do more than pay a visit to the beloved Hat Mouse, as it cannot be purchased or found anywhere in the early game. Dedicated players will want to collect all the available customization pieces that exist, and having a dedicated mindset will allow farmers to get their hands on that one special hat.

worried ape's??? Hat is the rare one in Stardew Valley

A cosmetic in the creator's image

The hat, what is its name??? And has a description of ??? In game, is designed after ConcernedApe's familiar avatar. The hat version is complete with a pair of glasses and red cheeks, an image players will recognize as the creature logo next to CondernedApe's name that appears on the screen when the game is booted. The hat itself is a full mask that turns the farmer into the creator of the game and can also be placed on children and even the farm cats or dogs with the latest 1.6 update.

This hat is Only available to a player whose farm achieves a 100% perfection ratingTracked by the Law Found in Qi's Walnut Room on Ginger Island in late game. With contributions to the rating including cooking all available recipes, having a full friendship level with all villagers and crafting all craftable items, achieving the highest rating percentage is an ambitious challenge. Along with unlocking several other aspects around the valley, players who achieve this perfection can talk to a monkey hanging in the volcano caldera. Doing so will allow the most elite farmers to collect the ??? Hat.

Show of rare Stardew Valley hats on children and pets

Gunther In Stardew Valley with images from Fields of Mistrain in the background.
Custom image by Diana Acuña

The hat was recently featured in the r/StardewValley Reddit thread, where user BadLegitimate1269 Accidentally placed the ??? Hat on their child in the game. "Help I accidentally put a mask on my kids face how do I get it off,"They said, while putting a spoiler warning on the image of the hat on the child. The farmer's children and pets are a fun place to show hat collections, because it is not permanent. Players need to Simply right click on them with a new hat to remove the old one and replace it with the new one.

Concernedape's signature hat can Only be claimed once per save file and it cannot be soldSo it is a one-of-a-kind item that is meant to be displayed. The collection aspect is popular with games like Stardew ValleyWhere completionists and dedicated gamers will spend hours and hours climbing every item and completing every task that leads to special rewards. Other aspects that come with completing the game at 100 percent include unlocking The Summit, which comes with special end credits, the ability to claim the Statue of Perfection, and Grampa's shrine with a stardrop carving.

To collect all the hats in the game, players will need patience and commitment, along with a lot of gold and cloth. The collection of the ??? Hat is like the last stretch to the goal of every customization option. Although collecting one of each hat is not one of the requirements to the percentage of a save file's level of perfection, completionists will still strive for the achievement.

Reach the level of perfection in Stardew Valley Is highly difficult but comes with many rewards. the ??? Hat is one of the most rewarding with its nod to the creator, taking after ConderndedApe's iconic and familiar avatar. It was sure to be a whole number dedicated to the one who made the game, and it is an accessory for the player character fits well in. Climbing the final hat after all the hard work done to 100 percent the game is how the creator thanks the player for the love they have devoted to Stardew Valley.

Source: BadLegitimate1269/Reddit