Valley of the StarsUpdate 1.6.9 may not be as revolutionary as version 1.6, but it introduces some highly requested features. Update 1.6.9 was released today, November 4th, on all platforms at the same time. It's the first iteration of the massive version 1.6 update to hit consoles and mobile devices, which was quite exciting for many players. However, the quality of life changes introduced in version 1.6.9 have also made a huge difference. One in particular stands out as the most useful new Star characteristic in recent memory.
As of update 1.6.9, Valley of the Stars players can now retrieve items they drop in wateraccording to the patch notes on the official website Valley of the Stars website. This is a persistent problem in Star - it's all too easy to accidentally plant a tree along a lake, hoping to create a nice shady spot on the farm, only for all of its wood to fall, irretrievable, into the water once it's been cut. Now, though, players actually have hope of fishing for these discarded items, even if it's for a limited time.
Items that fell into water can now be recovered
Stardew's biggest quality of life change
From the new update, Items dropped into water will float briefly before sinking permanently. Players with quick reaction times (or with Magnetic Rings
which attracts dropped items) will be able to retrieve them as long as they get there before they sink. This might seem like a pretty small addition, and in terms of how rarely it will actually happen, it kind of is. However, this has been a long-requested feature, and many players such as Cubisov on Reddit recognized it as the most important update in version 1.6.9.
In an update full of massive changes – new traders, new design features, new options for legendary fish – the top comment on the Reddit post containing the patch notes is about fishing for dropped items in bodies of water. This just goes to show how highly anticipated this feature waslike many other players, like andicand22They mourn the treasures they lost before this resource was established.
It cannot be overstated how much of a lifesaver this feature will be. Even if items sink in a second and players are only able to recover them on average 50% of the time, they will save a lot Hardwood
and so much pain in version 1.6.9.
Missing Items, New Dialogue, Easter Eggs, and More
Everything else in Stardew patch 1.6.9
However, picking up items out of water isn't the only new feature introduced in 1.6.9; There are many other new features for players to enjoy. Firstly, the update introduces several new Easter eggs to Valley of the Starsalthough it is not yet known exactly what they are. Knowing the Star community, most of them will likely be discovered and shared on social media in the coming days.
Another cool new feature allows players place legendary fish in your fish ponds. Each fish will provide legendary fish eggs and dye the water in your lake a unique color. However, unlike other farmed fish species, they cannot reproduce. A commentator, REtroGeekerydescribes his excitement about this new feature, suggesting the design potential of multicolored lakes.
This comment suggests another important feature: the ability to sleep anywhere furniture (i.e. beds) can be placed. Most notably, this means that players can place their beds in their barns or chicken coops and sleep among their animals, if they don't mind the smell. That was enough to inspire the commentator Due-Anything-9559 return to the game after some time away.
There is also a new merchant in version 1.6.9: the Lost Item Shopwhich appears in Lost Woods. The Lost Item Shop sells unique items that the player may have lost, thrown away, or accidentally exploded, such as the Stardew Hero Trophy
Other new features include improved dialogue and new "work portraits" to Sam and Shane as they work at JoJaMart, showing them in their uniforms. Players will also find many new items in the Adventurers' Guild, Willy's shop, and Marnie's barn. Cheats are now also available for players who want to skip all the hard work from years one and two and go directly to being a millionaire. There are also many quality of life changes, such as Clint refilling the player's watering can when he upgrades it, which players like. kissed sunny nights hailed as one of his few redeeming qualities.
Other quality of life changes include things as broad as a UI overhaul for fish ponds and things as simple as "I fixed a shirt that looked strange." With all these new changes, Valley of the StarsThe latest update isn't just a big update for console and mobile players; It's a game changer for everyone.
Sources: Valley of the Stars, Cubisov/Reddit, andicandi22/Reddit. REtroGeekery/Reddit, Due-Anything-9559/Reddit, nights without a kiss/Reddit