Star Wars' Throne creator admits he wrote a Marvel Star-Lord series that was never released

Star Wars' Throne creator admits he wrote a Marvel Star-Lord series that was never released

During a recent convention appearance, Legendary Star Wars Author Timothy Zahn discusses these star-lord Miniseries he wrote for Marvel Comics in the 1990s - and revealed that he produced a sequel series, which was never released. Zahn's comments make it clear that an incredible artifact of comic book history is locked away in Marvel's vault, though whether it will "Ever see the light of day"Remains to be determined.

appear on the "Star Wars' Throne: Alliances Coming to Comics” panel at Dragon Con 2024. Timothy Zahn discusses how his work outside the Star Wars Extended Universe, including its third issue star-lord Miniseries from the '90s. Of particular note to fans of the author's work was the titbit he dropped about a second, unreleased star-lord Series.

Star Lord #1 cover, the new Star-Lord in the middle of an alien jungle, firing a laser pistol.

According to the author, he has occasionally prompted Marvel to release the series over the years since, although at this point, his efforts have been to no avail.

Sad creator Timothy Zahn explains the forgotten sequel to his 1990s Star-Lord miniseries

Zahn spoke at DragonCon 2024

Star Lord #1, Singin finds Peter Quill's costume and tells the story of Star Lord.

Released long before Star-Lord became a household name as a result of his central role in the Marvel Cinematic Universe Guardians of the GalaxyZahn's series - with beautifully painted artwork by Dan Lawlis - centers around an intergalactic lawman, Sinjin Quarrel, finding the original costume and weapon, then becoming the new Star-Lord. At this point in his career, the author has already created his most iconic Star Wars character, Grand Admiral Thrawn, and the new star-lord was his attempt to replicate his success in the Marvel Universe.

Ultimately, this did not go according to plan, and the miniseries proved to be Sinjin Quarrel's only Marvel Comics appearance. However, this was not the case. As Zahn explained at this year's DragonCon, he actually wrote a follow-up to his star-lord miniseries, but Marvel never released it. Zahn told the convention audience:

"I did a three-part Star-Lord series. I also did a second three-part story that (Marvel) bought and paid for and never published.

The star-lord Series of the nineties is an interesting artifact, released at a time when the character was barely in the public consciousness, and the knowledge of a canceled sequel makes it even more interesting.

It's unlikely that Timothy Zahn's Star-Lord sequel will ever be released - but not impossible

Star-Lord (1996) Three issue miniseries - written by Timothy Zahn; Art by Dan Lawlis; Lettering by Bill Oakley

Getting Timothy Zahn to write the series was a pretty big acquisition for Marvel, as the author is still riding high from the success of heir to the empire. In other words, it is surprising that the publisher gave up on Zahns star-lord So quickly. Fans would think that Marvel would have been keen to keep the acclaimed author around to write more comics, making his unreleased star-lord series a puzzling footnote in the history of the comic book industry, and Zahn's broader pop culture legacy.


According to Timothy Zahn, he does not expect the series to be released now, even for the novelty of it.

"It's sitting in someone's drawer at Marvel. I don't know if it will ever see the light of day... I've nudged them a couple of times, but nothing's ever come of it."

Given the success of Thrawn in the new era of Star WarsIt's remarkable to think that Marvel has another comic from Thrawn's creator just sitting in their files. That said, Zahn just returned to Marvel Comics this year when he co-wrote the adaptation of his Star Wars Novel Throne: Alliances with Jody Houser; Meaning that perhaps It remains possible the almost-forgotten star-lord Series from the creator of Star Wars' throne Will eventually be released after all.

Source: Timothy Zahn, "Star Wars Thrawn: Alliances Comes to Comics," Dragon Con 2024