Star Wars takes on the most dangerous survivors of Order 66 and it's awesome the franchise is trying something new

Star Wars takes on the most dangerous survivors of Order 66 and it's awesome the franchise is trying something new


  • Jedi survivors like Tensu Run prove that the Jedi didn't just fade away after Order 66, but fought back against the Empire.

  • The introduction of Tensu Run opens a new chapter in Star Wars lore by showing a Jedi resistance against the Empire.

  • Star Wars: Inquisitors #2 sets the stage for a potential Clone Wars-style series focused on the Jedi vs Sith conflict after Order 66.

Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Wars: Inquisitors #2! Order 66 was the most uncomfortable moment in Star Wars History for the Jedi, as the entire order was wiped out in a single, brutal move by the newly founded Empire, and the Jedi never truly recovered again. However, with the introduction of one specific Jedi survivor, it became clear that the Jedi were not completely out of the fight after Order 66 was executed, which opens a whole new chapter in Star Wars Study.

in Star Wars: Inquisitors #2 by Rodney Barnes and Ramon Rosanas Darth Vader has ordered his inquisitors to find and kill a Jedi survivor named Tensu Run. Ron is in the process of building a resistance against the Empire, one that consists of other Jedi survivors as well as regular citizens across the galaxy. Now is far too early in the empire's reign for such resistance to stand against it, making it imperative that Tensu Run be found and killed.

After the Grand Inquisitor was unable to complete the task in the previous issue, the fifth brother takes on the task, and even manages to find Tensu Ran. However, with minimal effort, Tensu Ran slices off the Fifth Brother's left arm, and tells him to deliver a message to Vader - one that makes it clear that Ran will not be so easily transported.


The Jedi were not completely wiped out by Order 66

Jedi survivors of Order 66 standing united with their lightsabers drawn.

This issue—and, indeed, the entire limited series thus far—confirmed that not only were the Jedi not completely wiped out by Order 66 (including Vader's subsequent crusade against them), they actually stood a fighting chance of dismantling the Empire right when It is established. Tensu Run is the most dangerous Jedi survivor because he built a resistance against the Empire right away, and proved strong enough to defeat the Empire's deadliest assassin. He represented the strength of the Jedi during their darkest hour, and even Vader feared what he could accomplish.

The fact that the Jedi did not just scatter or die after Order 66 is a huge change from the established Star Wars Canon. Now, fans know that another 'war' has been waged between the Jedi and the Empire right after The Clone Wars, which is an extremely exciting development as it opens the door for Star Wars to explore yet another untold chapter in its breadth Story that fans. Didn't even know it existed.

Star Wars has the opportunity to do another 'Clone Wars'-style series

Star Wars: The Clone Wars main cast of characters.

Just like Star Wars: Clone Wars Takes place between the events of Episode II And Episode III - a moment in the established canon that was brushed by the films - Star Wars: Inquisitors Made it possible for the franchise to do the same thing right after Episode III. Tensu Run has created an uprising of Jedi and rebels that no one knew about until now, and that could be expanded in a truly exciting way, with Jedi survivors coming together under Ran's leadership to fight Vader and the Inquisitors in a 'clone' Wars'-style Jedi vs. Sith war.

The Jedi did not die with a whimper as everyone had done before, but with one brave, final stand against those who sought to wipe them out.

While Star Wars: Inquisitors is currently in the middle of telling the story, it seems that the franchise may dive into this bold new idea a little further, giving fans an entirely new Jedi vs. Sith war in Star Wars canon that has every chance of being as extensive as the Clone Wars series. But, no matter what happens, it's still awesome to see Star Wars Try something new with the tired 'JD survivor' trope, and it's all thanks to the most dangerous survivor of them all, Tensu Run.

Star Wars: Inquisitors #2 by Marvel Comics is available August 7, 2024.