Star Wars revealed the real reason Qui-Gon Jinn never joined the Jedi Council, and this changes everything we thought we knew about his relationship with Obi Wan Kenobi. Qui-Gon Jinn and Obi-Wan's relationship was relatively short-lived on screen, but others Star Wars the stories provided more context for their somewhat tense but ultimately rewarding partnership. Although Obi-Wan was a stickler for the rules when he was younger – although even he had doubts about his future with the Jedi – Qui-Gon Jinn was much more of a free thinker, especially compared to the rest of the Jedi. Advice.
Obi-Wan often wondered why his Master never joined the Jedi Council, and now, a new Star Wars reference book, the Star Wars Encyclopedia: The Complete Guide to the Star Wars Galaxy by Dan Brooks, Megan Crouse, Amy Richau, Amy Ratcliffe, Brandon Wainerdi, Dan Zehr and Kelly Knox, revealed the following:
“After a mission to Pijal, Qui-Gon chooses to remain as Obi-Wan's teacher rather than join the Jedi Council.”
It's been established that members of the Jedi Council can train Padawans and often do - Depa Billaba trained Caleb Dume, for example - so why was Qui-Gon so reluctant to join the council? Obi-Wan believed it was because Qui-Gon was a nonconformist and so both Qui-Gon himself and the Jedi Council were hesitant to include him, but instead Qui-Gon Jinn explicitly chose to dedicate himself to training Obi-Wan because he believed in his Padawan's future.
What Qui-Gon's decision means for Star Wars
This information not only changes how we view Qui-Gon's relationship with Obi-Wan, but it also changes how we view the Jedi Council. Often, when speaking of the fall of the Jedi and their role in the conflict of the Clone Wars, the Jedi Council is seen as very strictSo obsessed with following the rules and what they think they know, that they can't see the darkness growing in the shadows.
Claudia Gray Star Wars romance Master and Apprentice provides an in-depth look at Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon's relationship.
In this context, it made sense that Qui-Gon would never join the Jedi Council – he was too outspoken and unwavering in his own beliefs, and this would have threatened the natural order of things. Obi-Wan certainly believed this was the reason Qui-Gon never officially joined their ranks. However, since this confirms that the Council specifically asked him to join, and he was the one who declined the offer, it shows that the Council was not as inflexible as we thought.
Our opinion on Qui-Gon's decision
While Qui-Gon's decision proves how much he believed in Obi-Wan, it also made us re-examine Qui-Gon's devotion to Anakin's training. In Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom MenaceQui-Gon insists that Anakin must be trained, despite his advanced age and the Council's objections. Qui-Gon even declared that Obi-Wan was ready to complete his training and take the Jedi tests so he could focus on training Anakin.
Clearly, in Qui-Gon's eyes, training Anakin was more important than anything he could do with a seat on the Jedi Council.
Clearly, in Qui-Gon's eyes, training Anakin was more important than anything he could do with a seat on the Jedi Council. Qui-Gon believed that Anakin was the Chosen One. Maybe he saw the danger of Anakin being left alone, maybe he could feel the darkness gathering in the distance, intent on asserting its claim on the boy. Whatever the case, Qui-Gon Jinnthe belief in Obi Wan KenobiAnakin Skywalker, and the future of the Jedi Order was more important to him than being a member of the Jedi High Council in Star Wars.
The Star Wars Encyclopedia is now available to order.