Star Wars reveals the basic backstory of Wookie Jedi Kelnacca

Star Wars reveals the basic backstory of Wookie Jedi Kelnacca

Warning: Contains spoilers for Star Wars: The Acolyte - Kelnacca #1! Sir Kelnacca is a walking Jedi who debuted in the Disney+ original Star Wars Series The acolyte. While his time in the Star Wars The universe was decidedly short-lived on screen, Kelnacca is getting another chance to shine with a whole new comic book series. took place during the High Republic Era before the events of The acolyteKelnacca's comic series will reveal the basic backstory of the Wookie Jedi.

In a preview for Star Wars: The Acolyte - Kelnacca #1 by Cavan Scott and Marika Cresta A Jedi named Yarzion Vell is dying, and his Padawan expresses their concern about who will complete their training once he is gone. Vell tells his young Padawan not to worry, as he was once in their position when he lost his first master before his training was complete. Vells says that his Padawan simply needs to trust in the will of the Force, just as he did when Vell was introduced to his new master: Kelnacca.

Master Kelnaka took on the responsibility of training Yirzion Well, and he did so during a particularly tumultuous time in the Star Wars canon. The preview reveals that Well's master actually died when Starlight Beacon was destroyed at the hands of Nihil, and that Well met Kelnacka when the Jedi master was on Irm (a planet greatly impacted by Starlight Beacon's destruction) as part of The relief effort sent. From Coruscant. In other words, the Jedi were at war, making it an interesting time for Vel to get a new master, and for Kelnakka to train a Padawan.


Star Wars reveals Kelnacca's role in the Jedi's conflict with the Nihil

The Jedi go to war against the Nihil in Star Wars: The High Republic - Shadows of Starlight

Star Wars' starlight beacon getting destroyed.

The Nihil is an interplanetary band of pirates that terrorized the Republic during the High Republic Era. They were always a nuisance to the Jedi because of their penchant for general lawlessness and anarchy, but the Nihil didn't become a legitimate threat until the group's numbers and influence grew to the point where they could actually beat the Jedi and The Republic Where It Hurts: The destruction of Starlight Beacon, an event that was known as the Great Disaster.

The great catastrophe cost the lives of many Jedi who were stationed on Starlight Beacon (a Republic outpost meant to offer more resources to the outer rim), and was the catalyst for the Jedi's war against the Nihil. During the Star Wars: The High Republic Comics—including and especially Shadows of Starlight—readers get to see the fallout of the war from a number of different perspectives. And now, that will include the perspective of Kelnacca and his new Padawan.

Kelnacca gets the recognition he deserves during the best chapter of the High Republic

Star Wars The Acolyte's Wookiee Jedi Kelnacka.

It is no secret that many Star Wars Fans were not happy with the amount of screen-time (or lack thereof) Kelnacka got The acolyte. After all, he was the franchise's first live-action Wookiee Jedi, and it's fair to say that the series didn't give him the recognition he deserved. But now, Star Wars made up for that shortcoming in a big way, as it not only fleshed out Kelnacca's backstory, it did so during one of the most action-packed chapters of the High Republic Era.

Just from what fans can see from this preview alone, it's clear that there's a lot to be excited about with Kelnacca's new comic series. From the Wookie Jedi taking on a new Padawan, to the fact that the entire story will be told during the Jedi's conflict with the Nihil after the destruction of Starlight Beacon. And no matter what becomes of this series, one thing is abundantly clear: it will be absolutely essential to fully understand it Star Wars' Wookiee Jedi Lord, Kelnacca.

Star Wars: The Acolyte - Kelnacca #1 (2024)

Star Wars: The Acolyte - Kelnacca #1 cover featuring the Wookie Jedi.

  • Writer: Kavan Scott

  • Artist: Marika Cresta

  • Colorist: Jim Campbell

  • Writer: Ariana Maher

  • Cover artist: Phil Noto

The Acolyte (English: The Acolyte) is a television series that took place in the Star Wars universe at the end of the High Republic Era, where both the Jedi and the Galactic Empire were at the height of their influence. This sci-fi thriller sees a former Padawan reunited with her former Jedi master as they investigate several crimes - all leading to darkness erupting from beneath the surface and preparing to bring about the end of the High Republic.