Marvel Star Wars the comics showed how Ewok culture changed forever after the Galactic Civil War. Following the Battle of Endor, after their Rebel allies and Imperial antagonists – known to the Ewoks as “the cruel ones” – left the forest moon, the indigenous inhabitants must deal with a dilemma within their society of what to do with future visitors. . .
In preview for Star Wars: Ewoks (2024) #2 – written by Steve Orlando, with art by Laura Braga and Alvaro Lopez – a small group of Imperials arrives at Bright Tree Village in search of a cache of weapons. 4-LOM, hired by the Imperials, translates for the Ewoks and requests a place to spend the night and a guide.
4-LOM states that they are emissaries of the Adversary, the dark Ewok god, which puts the Ewok community in conflict with each other.
Star Wars: Ewoks (2024) #2– Written by Steve Orlando; Art by Laura Braga and Álvaro Lopez; Color by Antonio Fabela; Lyrics by Joe Caramagna
Like Marvel Ewoks The series makes it clear that the Ewoks have gods of light and darkness. The "Golden One" was a deity who brought light to the moon, banishing darkness and allowing the Ewoks to prosper. The Golden One made a deal with the dark god, the Adversary, and they divided the moon into equal parts to create a cycle of night and day. In Return of the Jedi, the Ewoks mistook C-3PO for Golden, and some Ewoks believed he brought the Rebels to chase away the Empire and reclaim the moon from the Adversary.
When 4-LOM arrives claiming to be an emissary of the Adversary, Logray insists that he cannot question the will of the “Great Ones”. Others, however, express that their hospitality will be their end.
After Return of the Jedi, Bright Tree Village was divided on how to deal with future invasions from outsiders. The elder shaman, Logray, believed that the agreement between the Golden One and the Adversary was broken when the empire invaded and occupied Endor, as the darkness overstepped its bounds, taking more than the agreement allowed. When 4-LOM arrives claiming to be an emissary of the Adversary, Logray insists that he cannot question the will of the “Great Ones”. Others, however, express that their hospitality will be their end.
Marvel's Ewoks series expands fans' understanding of classic ROTJ characters
Star Wars: Ewoks #2 – Main Cover by Pete Woods; Dave Wachter and John Tyler Christopher variant covers (action figure variant)
Ewoks #2 places its protagonists in a difficult situation. Expelling powerful beings from the village could be more dangerous than letting them stay. If the Ewoks let them stay, they could just do their business and move on. If they are rejected, they can use their power and weapons against the village. For a long time Star Wars fans, This new, more nuanced look at Ewok culture is refreshing and exciting. Fascinatingly, some Ewoks don't even consider "the cruel ones" to be evil, but instead see them as a natural turning point in the life of the moon.
Whatever the outcome of the Marvel story Ewoks the series may be Bright Tree Village - the Ewok settlement made famous by its role in Return of the Jedi – will always be cautious about who they let in. With some Ewoks believing that the rebels were sent by their god to chase away the darkness and protect them, and some believing that even darkness has its place in nature. This fascinating dynamic will play out as the series continues – and, hopefully, it won't end in tragedy for these Star Wars fan favorites.
Star Wars: Ewoks #2 will be available November 13, 2024, from Marvel Comics.
The third film released and the sixth film chronologically in the Star Wars Saga, Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi is an epic science fiction adventure film that continues the adventures of Luke, Leia, Han and friends as they fight the Empire. After a narrow escape but crushing defeat at the hands of the Empire, the rebel alliance discovers that a new Death Star has been built above the moon of Endor. With the war coming to an end, the heroes will unite with the inhabitants of the forest planet and prepare for a final confrontation with Darth Vander and the Galactic Empire.