Star Wars Retcons Created a Huge Count Dooku Plot Hole with Huge Implications for the Sith

Star Wars Retcons Created a Huge Count Dooku Plot Hole with Huge Implications for the Sith

Count Dooku timeline in Star Wars became much more complicated after a series of retcons in Star Wars TV shows, and this created a huge plot hole regarding his role as Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice. Dooku has become an increasingly interesting character in Star Wars movies and TV shows. After his introduction in the prequel trilogy, Dooku repeatedly returned to the Star Wars schedule, especially in Star Wars animated shows.

These updates to Dooku's story have provided fascinating new insights into his experiences as Master Yoda's Jedi Padawan and Qui-Gon Jinn's Jedi Master, as well as his complex relationship with his assassin, Asajj Ventress. Despite some more recent appearances in Star Warshowever, several mysteries remain regarding Count Dooku and his path to becoming a Sith Lord. Certain retcons in particular have raised new questions about when exactly Dooku became a candidate for Sidious' new apprentice..

Tales Of The Jedi Provided New Count Dooku Timeline Details

Star Wars: Tales of the Jedi followed two distinct three-episode arcs, one for Ahsoka Tano and one for Count Dooku. Count Dooku's arc proved to be particularly interesting, as little was shown of Dooku's on-screen history, especially before Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the Clones. Among the revelations of Tales of the Jedi was the fact that Count Dooku became Darth Sidious' Sith apprentice soon after Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace.

In one sense, this is not surprising. Palpatine was always several steps ahead of everyone around him, even someone like Dooku, who believed he understood Palpatine and his plans. Palpatine also made it very clear throughout the prequel trilogy how willing he was to replace his apprentices. The fact that he bridges that gap quickly makes perfect sense for Palpatine's character.

However, this is an interesting update for Dooku Star Wars history. It was already known that Dooku was a Jedi who left the Order, but maintained the respect of the Jedi Council; This is why Mace Windu couldn't believe that Dooku was behind Padmé's assassination attempts in Attack of the Clones. What was less known was the exact timing of Dooku's turn to the dark side and loyalty to Darth Sidious as his Sith apprentice.

Dooku already operated under the name “Tyranus” before TPM

Dooku's Sith name raises questions about this timeline

Count Dooku with his lightsaber in Attack of the Clones

What complicates the schedule introduced in Tales of the Jedi is confirmation of Star Wars: The Clone Wars what Count Dooku has been using Tyranus – his Sith name – before The phantom menace. In The Clone Warsit was revealed that Dooku betrayed Jedi Master Sifo-Dyas, the Jedi who felt the Republic needed an army to protect itself, and killed him. He did this by hiring Lom Pyke to shoot down Sifo-Dyas' ship.

Dooku was using his Sith name before Darth Maul died and therefore before he was Sidious' apprentice.

This assassination was ordered by Dooku using the name Tyranus. In light of this, and given that he immediately went to Coruscant based on this Tales of the Jedi arc, it appears that Dooku was using his Sith name before Darth Maul died and therefore before he was apprenticed to Sidious. Notably, Dooku doesn't appear to be using "Darth" Tyranus, but this raises serious questions about when Dooku actually began serving Sidious and what that means for Palpatine's plans.

Was Dooku already competing to become Palpatine's Sith apprentice?

As Maul himself said, he was always disposable in Palpatine's greater plan.

Darth Maul wields his sword in Star Wars Clone Wars

Dooku using the name Tyranus while Darth Maul was still alive suggests that he may already be in line to become Sidious' next apprentice. This would be in line with what Maul told Ahsoka Tano in The Clone Wars. In Sidious's greater plan, Anakin was always supposed to fall to the dark side and become the new Sith apprentice; Dooku and Maul were expendable from the start and never stood a real chance. This makes it even more likely that Sidious had Dooku waiting in the wings long before Maul's death.

Perhaps Sidious and Dooku had planned for Maul to be replaced even before his death, and Sidious had already given Dooku his Sith name.

It also seems likely that Dooku knew of Maul's role as Sidious' apprentice and was aware that he was being positioned as his replacement. In fact, in Tales of the JediDooku knew Maul's name, suggesting that Sidious gave him some insight into his plot. Perhaps Sidious and Dooku had planned for Maul to be replaced even before his death, and Sidious had already given Dooku his Sith name. This would have been strategically wise on Palpatine's part, as it would have encouraged Dooku's trust and loyalty..

In fact, this timeline still needs to be clarified. The exact timing surrounding Dooku's disillusionment with the Jedi Order, involvement in the creation of the clone army, and previous dealings with Palpatine have not been fully revealed, even now. However, these subtle details suggest that Count Dooku may have been chosen as Darth Sidious' next Sith apprentice long before Darth Maul died.