Ezra Bridgers time in Star Wars was incredibly complex, and his story is set to continue Star Wars Upcoming TV shows. Ezra joined the Star Wars Timeline in Star Wars Rebels Like a Force-sensitive young mourner who was by himself. Since the introduction, Ezra has grown into a powerful Jedi and selfless rebel, reflecting an incredible arc.
Recently, Ezra made the jump to live-action in the Ahsoka Show, and, given Ahsoka Season 2 is officially coming, it's safe to assume that Ezra's story isn't over. This likely Star Wars The future makes it more important than ever to catch up on Ezra's lead Star Wars Moments. Here are all 12 key events in Ezra Star Wars Timeline.
Ezra Bridger joins the Ghost Crew
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In 5 Bibi, the year Rebels Season 1 set, Ezra Bridger joined the Ghost crewConsisting of Kanan Jarrus, Hera Syndulla, Sabine Ren, Zeb Orrelios, and the droid Chopper. In the show's first episode, the crew was running a Rebel mission on Lothal, which Ezra disrupted by stealing one of the Imperial speedsters that Zeb and Kanan had just stolen. In the end, rather than becoming adversaries, the Ghost crew seem to appreciate Ezra's friendship (Sabine and Hera especially), and they invite Ezra to join them.
This moment ended up defining the whole future.
This moment ends up defining Ezra's entire future, especially since it was Kanan who finally recognized how strong in the Force Ezra was and agreed to train him as his Jedi master. This also gave Ezra a unique place Star Wars history; He is one of the few living Jedi trained by someone who grew up in the Jedi Temple. Because Kanan was one of the survivors of Order 66, he was able to teach Ezra the ways of the Jedi who all but died out after the tragic events of the prequels.
Ezra constructs his first lightsaber
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by AhsokaEzra had several lightsabers; However, his very first saber was truly one of Star Wars Most creative lightsaber designs. Rather than a traditional single blade or even a double bladed saber, Ezra's first lightsaber was a lightsaber-blaster hybrid. in Rebels season 1 episode 10 "Path of the Jedi," Kanan and Ezra return to Lothal, where it is shocking, a Jedi Temple. Throughout the episode, Ezra faces many trials and even hears the voice of Bel Yoda. In the end, he finds his Cyber Crystal and builds his first Saber.
Lightsaber colors have various meanings in Star WarsBut lightsaber designs do as well. This is certainly the case for Ezra's lightsaber design. Typically, Jedi reject blasters as inferior weapons - Obi-Wan Kenobi made these sentiments known in Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith As he threw away a blaster and muttered, - So uncivilized. However, Ezra's weapon represents the kind of Jedi he was. Rather than being raised in the order, Ezra survived on his own. It makes sense that a blaster was initially his weapon of choice, and that later, he chose a more traditional design.
Ezra's weapon represents the kind of Jedi he was.
Ezra delivers his broadcast about the rebellion
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in Rebels Season 1, Episode 13, "Call to action," Ezra has one of his deepest moments. Proving how much he's already grown and developed in season 1, Ezra gives a speech about hope and the rebellion on Lothal. The broadcast ends up being heard by countless citizens on Lutal, a number of Imperials, and none other than Ezra Bridger's imprisoned parents. This was undoubtedly an influential moment for all of Lothal, but it's also a key moment in Ezra's character development.
Proving how much he's already grown and developed in season 1, Ezra gives a speech about hope and the rebellion on Lothal.
Ezra had always hated the Empire, but this speech seemed to be a new chapter for him.. In the broadcast, he called on Lothal to unite and fight back against the Empire, recalling that there was once a time when Lothal was different. At that moment, Ezra proved to be a true leader and a man driven by hope and courage. While Ezra had always been brave, that bravery now coincided with an optimism that certainly wasn't there at the beginning of Rebels.
Ezra learns that his parents are alive... but they die soon after
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From the beginning of RebelsIt seemed that Ezra was an orphan. however, Ezra was shocked to learn that his parents were not dead; Instead, they were taken prisoner by the Empire, but they are still alive. in Rebels season 2 episode 11 "Legacy," Ezra begins having powerful visions of his parents, who send him on a hunt to find them. Throughout the episode, Kanan and Hera both help Ezra by showing him a list of Imperial prisoners and encouraging him to use the Force to find them. Tragically, the episode ends with Ezra learning that his parents have died, but only recently.
While the storyline was devastating for Ezra, it was also fascinating and crucial. Throughout the episode, Kanan reveals his complex sentiments about the Jedi rule against attachments. To begin with, he told Ezra to be careful with such visions, which was the same advice that Master Yoda once gave to Anakin Skywalker. However, Kanan eventually not only shifts his stance on the visions, but also goes so far as to suggest that the Jedi rule is flawed.
When Ezra points out that Canaan cannot understand how he feels, Canaan agrees and says: "It's too late for me but not for you." This is a truly radical perspective on the Jedi forbidding attachments, because it suggests Kanan feels like he lost something. This in turn could have implications for the kind of Jedi Ezra becomes. With a Jedi Master who takes such a different approach than the prequel trilogy Jedi Order did, Ezra could prove to be a completely different kind of Jedi in Ahsoka Season 2.
Ezra meets Darth Mull
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of Ezra Rebels The story takes a major turn at the end of season 2. In the last two episodes of the season, "Twilight of the Apprentice: Part 1" And "Twilight of the Apprentice: Part 2," Ezra travels to Malachor, a dark planet known to contain a Sith Temple, along with Kanan and Ahsoka Tano. on this planet, Ezra meets Maul there, and he comes dangerously close to being drawn to the dark side.. Throughout the episode, Maul manipulates Ezra, convincing him to work alongside them. Only once Mule betrays Ezra (and blinds Kanan) does Ezra see the truth.
This moment in Ezra's Star Wars Timeline was important to him.
This moment in Ezra's Star Wars Timeline was important to him. For one, it was Ezra's first real brush with the dark side of the Force, at least in terms of his own battle with it. He had met dark side agents before, namely the Imperial Inquisitors, but Mal was his first taste of temptation - and it was It's not good anymore. From then on, Ezra seemed much less naive. however, He also continued to fight against the dark side long after his encounter with Maul.
Ezra faces off against Darth Vader on Malachor
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Malachor was the location of many major events in RebelsFar beyond Ezra meet Mul. Iconically, this was also where Ahsoka Tano confronted her former master, Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader, and had an epic showdown that nearly led to her death. however, Before Vader faced off against Ahsoka, he came face to face with Ezra Bridger.who shockingly did not return. When confronted with one of Star Wars The most powerful Sith, Ezra chose instead to annoy him, tells him "You're smart, figure it out" When Vader asked how he unlocked the secret of the Temple.
Any Jedi Padawan's encounter with a Sith Lord would be noteworthy, but Ezra's confrontation with Darth Vader on Malachor was particularly remarkable. For one, he and Vader went head-to-head in a lightsaber battle in which Ezra held his own, but for another, Ezra told Darth Vader he wasn't afraid of him. This is truly an amazing moment in Ezra's Star Wars timeline and reveals what an incredible character he truly is. As Vader pointed out with his chilling line, "Then you will die braver than most," Ezra is not just a Jedi.
Ezra is tempted by the Sith holocron
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There is a significant time jump between Rebels Seasons 2 and 3, which works out to roughly two years. That time jump also saw some major changes for the Ghost crew. For once, Kanan Jarrus has withdrawn considerably not only from Ezra but also from the rest of the team, clearly bitter about his blindness. This is partly what changed Ezra's personality to one a little darker, angrier and more selfish, but what really changes Ezra is the fact that He held on and used the Sith holocron.
Despite confronting Darth Vader and breaking away from Maul, Ezra nevertheless continued to struggle with the dark side because of the holocron. He learned from it, which increased his power, but it was only because (viz Star Wars has repeatedly shown), the dark side is the path to easy and quick power. This became a pivotal moment for Ezra, as he had to learn to walk away from what was easy and instead stay on the path of a Jedi.
Ezra Bridger's Jedi master, Kanan Jarrus, dies
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Perhaps the single most devastating event in Rebels Is the death of Kanan Jarrus. To save the Ghost crew, Kanan sacrifices his life, holding back a blast of fire to give them time to get away before the flames consume him. nice, Star Wars Kanan's vision recovered just to look at Hera one last time before he died, but that didn't dull the pain of his loss. Ezra was absolutely devastated by Kanan's death, and it was clear that he felt lost without his Jedi Master.
In addition to this being a moment of terrible grief for Ezra, it is also a test once again. It would have been easy for Ezra to fall to the dark side in this era, especially as he had already done so. Star Wars has often revealed how much damage grief can do (Anakin Skywalker is a great example), and it would have made sense for Ezra to be tempted yet again. Instead, Ezra rededicated himself to the path of the Jedi, and he would eventually follow in his lord's self-sacrificing footsteps.
Ezra reveals the world between worlds
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in Rebels Season 4, Episode 13, "A world between worlds," Ezra Bridger enters the world between worlds, a realm of the force that acts as "A way between all time and space." In this mystical realm, Ezra hears the voices of the great Star Wars Characters such as Obi-Wan Kenobi, Qui-Gon Jinn, Anakin Skywalker and others. Ezra also sees the battle between Ahsoka and Vader on Malhor and manages to pull her away from him, saving her.. Despite this, when he sees the moment of Hanan's death, he realizes that pulling him out is not the right choice - Hanan died for them.
This is ultimately crucial to Ezra's development, viz He had to learn the most basic lesson for a Jedi: how to let go. Ezra could have made a terrible decision and pulled Kanen from his moment of death, which would have consumed the blaster the rest of the Ghost team, Ezra included. Instead, with Ahsoka's guidance, he learned to accept that Kanen was indeed gone, and he was gone. This would ultimately help Ezra in his impending confrontation with Thrawn, in which he had to face a brutal decision.
This would ultimately help Ezra in his impending confrontation with Thrawn, in which he had to face a brutal decision.
Ezra Bridger defeats Grand Admiral Throne
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Ezra's last act in Rebels was one of incredible braveryReveals how far he has come in his journey. Grand Admiral Thrawn, the once legendary villain who became a part of Star Wars canon and is proving increasingly important, leading a brutal attack on Ezra's homeworld of Lothal in the Rebels Finale. With the planet in danger of being completely destroyed, Ezra summons the 'space whale' creatures called Purgil to help stop Thrawn. Although they finally jumped to hyperspace with Thrawn, saving Lothal, they took Ezra as well.
In many ways, this was the culminating moment in Ezra's life Star Wars History. He took on the role of his Jedi master, sacrificing himself for the good of others - he even raised his hand in a position almost identical to Kanan's when he died - and he trusted both himself and the Force. This also reinforced that Ezra was completely transformed throughout rebel Four seasons, went from a kid who didn't trust anyone to someone who was willing to risk his life, not knowing (quite literally) where it would take him.
Ezra is captured on Feride
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Ezra's actions in the Rebels Finale also led directly into the Ahsoka Showing how it turned out that the Purgil took Ezra, Thrawn and Thrawn's army to Peridea, a planet outside the main. Star Wars Galaxy. The beginning of the Ahsoka Show revealed that Sabine Ren never lost sight of her promise to find Ezra, as she continued to listen to his message and obsess about tracking him down. Even so, it was clear that many years passed between Rebels And AhsokaAnd Ezra remained trapped on Friday.
in truth, Even now, little is known about Ezra's time on the period. Ahsoka Ezra, Sabine and Ahsoka did not give much time to talk about what happened to Ezra in all these years. with Ahsoka Season 2 on the way, however, much more about Ezra's time on Peridea may be revealed. Given Ezra's skills shown throughout AhsokaIt is at least clear that he remains in touch with the Force and appears to be the same Jedi as before.
Sabine Wren and Ahsoka Tano rescue Ezra from Peridea
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Recently, Ezra left FerideaThanks to Ahsoka and Sabine's help. Unfortunately, this event also saw Thrawn return to the main Star Wars Galaxy and Sabine and Ahsoka essentially switch places with them, now trapped on Peridea itself. The Ahsoka The ending also revealed that Ezra found Hera, and the two had a long-awaited reunion.
Now Ezra's future remains in question like everyone else's.
Now Ezra's future remains in question like everyone else's. Presumably, Thrawn will try to unite the Imperial remnants and sympathizers and bring the Empire back, thus posing a major threat to the New Republic and the galaxy. In all likelihood, Ezra will play a key role in stopping him, whether it's in Ahsoka Season 2 or some other upcoming Star Wars project. No matter the show or movie, however, it seems quite likely that Ezra Bridger will continue to be extremely important for the future in Star Wars.