Star Wars Outlaws just got a lot easier

Star Wars Outlaws just got a lot easier

Star Wars Outlaws Players can finally return, knowing that The frustrating stealth sections have become A lot easier. After the game's launch, one of the recurring complaints about Kay Vess' adventure in a galaxy far, far away was that certain encounters that forced players to use the stealth mechanic felt unfairly challenging due to the mechanic's wonky implementation. Adding insult to injury, some missions even included a dreaded "spell fail" if players were discovered, angering many users who deemed it to be too punitive and restrictive.

Spoilers for Star Wars Outlaws Ahead.

Fortunately, that should now be a thing of the past Ubisoft Confirmed in a blog post that the latest patch for Star Wars Outlaws is life and makes stealth significantly easier. The update notes specify that Kay is now less likely to be spotted while rolling and the "Level of detection"is adjusted depending on locationMeaning certain areas should be easier to sneak through. Additionally, PlayStation 5 players hungry for the Platinum can now collect it since the "Old School Cool" trophy bug has been fixed, so Outlaws Can now finally be completed 100%.

What else is new in Star Wars Outlaws?

Galore improvements of quality of life

While the highlights of the Star Wars Outlaws The patch, which is roughly 2 GB for each platform, includes stealth tweaks and a trophy fix on PS5, there are a handful of additional improvements. The biggest is undoubtedly cross-progression and cross-saves between multiple platforms thanks to the implementation of Ubisoft Connect. Players who have the game on multiple platforms can now seamlessly jump between their devices and continue Kay's story without delay; The full patch notes can be found below.

New feature

  • Cross-progression and saving is now available between all platforms via Ubisoft Connect.

Performance & Stability

  • Various crash fixes and improvements on all platforms.

  • Improvements and optimization of PC performance throughout the game.

  • Improvement for FPS drops during some scenes.

  • VRAM improvement.

  • Higher graphic fidelity when using ray reconstruction and frame generation technologies.

UI, HUD and settings

  • Game version will now be visible from the settings.

  • Quality mode will be set as default on console.

  • Corrected default settings for motion blur in quality mode for consoles.

  • HDR brightness values ​​are modified.


  • Various graphics and lighting fixes.

  • All cinematics now supported on ultra-wide screens.


  • Fix for potential loss of music when traveling fast in Toshara.

Worlds, fauna and flora

  • Many additional idle animations for NPCs have been added on all planets.

  • Fixed an issue where the Imperial Spider Bike 74-Z would be missing a part.

General gameplay

  • It is now less likely to be detected while rolling.

  • Level of detection adjusted depending on location.


  • Fixed the issue where the energy barrier in Kerro's Speakeasy would not be disabled after successfully slicing the terminal.

  • "The Underworld" - NPC numbers were adjusted and environmental guidance markers added to facilitate infiltration better.
  • "The Mechanics" - Fixed the issue where Kay would spawn outside the search area if she died in the wind turbine.
  • "The Wreck" - AI detection has been adjusted.
  • "hyperspace" - Fixed the issue where no prompt was shown to take off.


  • "Partners" - Fixed the problem where Kay would not gain the desired levels on other planets when he achieved the objective "Meet Hoss at the Cantina".


  • "The Veteran" - Fixed the issue where "Reporting to the Droid" objective would not update after reporting back to MT-7.


  • "Old School Cool" trophy can now be unlocked for PlayStation 5 players.

  • Inverting one axis in the controls menu will no longer invert the other in photo mode.

  • Nix accessories and treats can now be checked in the loading menu while Kay Vess is piloting the Trailblazer.

Star Wars Outlaws Should now also be more immersive given that This update added new idle animations to some NPCs on each planet. Some bugs with the graphics and audio have also been patched so problems of missing music or objects clipping through the environment should be less frequent. This goes hand-in-hand with the various optimizations implemented for each platform, ensuring the game runs smoother for everyone.


Star Wars Outlaws has proven to be a massive success by providing fans with the open-world intergalactic journey they've always wanted from the franchise. Now that EA's exclusive adaptation rights have been rescinded, Players can expect more unique experiences in Lucasfilm's sprawling sci-fi strategy. Whether any of the future games have a companion quite as precious as Nix remains to be seen.

Source: Ubisoft




Star Wars


August 30, 2024


Massive entertainment


Ubisoft, Lucasfilm Games