Star Wars Outlaws Final Boss & Ending Explained (In Detail)

Star Wars Outlaws Final Boss & Ending Explained (In Detail)


  • Kay Vess faces unexpected family betrayal and shocking revelations in a daring heist on Kanto Bay.

  • A major power play by Jaylen changes the course of the heist, leading to surprising alliances and conflicts.

  • Kay's journey continues in upcoming story expansions where she teams up with iconic characters like Lando Calrissian.

While Star Wars Outlaws' Focus on the criminal underworld means there are plenty of twists and betrayals to be found in the story of Kay Vess. While a large part of the main campaign consists of Kay and her mercal companion, Nix, assembling a crew to pull off a daring heist at the mansion of the Zrek Besh's leader, Sliro, on Kanto Bay, the finale is full of surprises. From the point of no return, there is a barrage of character reveals and twists as everything comes to a head.

[WARNING: The following article contains major spoilers for Star Wars Outlaws.]However, in the cutscene just before the point of no return section with the 17th main quest, the truthThe game takes things up a notch for Kay, as the man who approached Kay about participating in the heist, Jaylen, drops a major surprise on the young monkey. Jaylen invites Kay's mother, Rico, to join the heist on Sliro's mansion, stating that two slices are needed, something Kay is not happy about.

While there was understandable tension between the mother and daughter duo, the crew still managed to pull off the heist, steal the score and bring it back to Jaylen, where it was revealed that it wasn't the 157 million credits in unmarked Beskar Ingots They were promised, but rather a codex containing blackmail on all the highest ranking members of the Empire, along with blueprints and other plans. Moments before, it was revealed that Sliro is, in fact, Director Barsha of the Imperial Security Bureau (ISB), and Zerk Besh was a front for the Empire.Explain how he would have gained access to this.


Sliro is not actually the last antagonist of the Star Wars Outlaws

Jaylen makes a major power play

While it was initially revealed that the rebel, Asara Dayn, was the true target of the heist, knowing it was Sliro's databank and believing that the rebellion would gain access first, Jaylen had other ideas, agreeing to make a deal with the Empire to claim Zerk Besh. When Asara speaks, ND-5 stuns him, obeying the programming that dictates he must ensure that everyone carries out Jaylen's plan.

Rico was also aware of Jaylen's plan, talking Kay down from a confrontation by telling her they would be free once Jaylen had Zerek Besh. Unfortunately, Kay isn't willing to play along, and ND-5 stunts her as well after Jaylen sends a command to the BX commando droid, though he apologizes to her as he does it, telling her, "It's not me" before pulling the trigger.

After a flashback to the moment Rico left Kay, Kay awakens inside a cell aboard Rico's ship in an Imperial Star Destroyer, as the casino chip Rico left her starts beeping and lighting up, revealing it was a tracker all along. From here, Kai's demolition expert, Ank, frees her and explains the situation while the Druidmaster, Gedek, drags through an unconscious storm, preparing to hide him in Kai's cell. Kay, deciding she wants to free ND-5 from Jaylen's control, dons the storm outfit and gives her blaster to Nix to hide for later before infiltrating the base, pretending Gedeek is her prisoner.

Kay is very quickly able to join Sliro's storm trooper escort and eavesdrops on his meeting with Darth Vader, Jaylen and ND-5, with Vader accepting Jaylen's terms, giving him Zerek Besh, and dismissing Sliro by handing him over to Jaylen. It was then revealed that Jaylen and Sliro are brothersAnd their family was supposed to build thousands of Star Destroyers for the Empire before Sliro betrayed them, accused them of plotting against the Emperor, and after he was promoted, he sent ND-5 to kill the entire Barsha family, resenting Jaylen for his The emperor. Heir of the family, and feeling like he only ever got scraps.


ND-5 hunts Kay through the Star Destroyer

Unable to break Jaylen's programming

ND-5 kills SLIRO without hesitation At Jaylen's command, and shortly after, Kay reveals herself, stating to Sliro that she wants to release ND-5 and Asara. unfortunately, ND-5's programming has a hold on him, and he begins relentlessly hunting Kay through the Star Destroyers.

What follows is part chase sequence and part stealth mission, as Kay must avoid and hide from ND-5, trying to turn on and redirect power cores to stun him, planning to use Gedeek's "Freedom Spike" on the droid to free him from Jaylen's control. Unfortunately, it's not enough and ND-5 catches Kay, though Nyx follows Kay from the rafters above and drops her blaster, leaving her to shoot ND-5 and break free.

It is at this point that Jaylen appears, with Asara as his hostage, held at gunpoint. He commands ND-5 to blast Kay, and it is revealed that Kay managed to use the Freedom Spike on him. ND-5 disobeys Jaylen's command and kills him. After that, Kay, Nyx, ND-5 and Asara fight their way through waves of storm troopers in a massive gunfight to get to the hangar bay and board the Trailblazer starship with Gedeek and Ank.


The final battle in Star Wars Outlaws is against the Imperial Star Destroyers

With a little help from Kay's friends

Although they think freedom is in sight, it is revealed that the Empire knows where the Rebel allies are, and Kay turns the ship around to take on the Imperial forces, calling in a favor from her allies in whatever syndicate she holds. Most favor with. As the rebels escape, Kay destroys the Star Destroyer's shield generators, weapons and, ultimately, its reactorWhile the Chosen Syndicate fends off swarms of TIE Fighters.

Once the reactor is destroyed, Kay and her crew watch as a chain reaction causes the Star Destroyer to explode, and the group flies back to Bram's bar in Kanto Bay - where Kay lived at the beginning of the game - where they share a celebratory Drink before going their separate ways. Kay meets with the bounty hunter Vail, who previously betrayed Sliro to help Kay, and gives her the codex, suggesting she can use it to start her own business before going on her own adventure with ND-5 and Nix.


A mid-credits scene shows Kay finding her mother

Jaylen betrayed Rico too

The mid-credits sequence shows Kay infiltrating an Imperial base disguised as an officer to speak to her mother, who is in captivity. It turns out that the credits that Jaylen gave Rico were marked, and she is soon captured by the Empire. During what appears to be an interrogation, Kay shows Riko the tracker casino ship, letting her know that she is aware that her mother has been watching her all these years before using a shuttle to Exchange it for what appears to be a key that will allow Rico to escape.

How the story of Kay Vess will play out at large Star Wars Franchise is yet to be seen. Still, it's set to continue in two upcoming story expansions as part of Star Wars Outlaws' season pass, where she will be teamed up with Lando Calrissian and Hondo Ohnaka. The expansions will be launched in autumn 2024 and spring 2025, so even though the main campaign has ended, Kay's story seems to be far from over.