Star Wars' NEW JEDI KNIGHTS series is set in the glory days of the prequel Jedi, before Phantom Menace

Star Wars' NEW JEDI KNIGHTS series is set in the glory days of the prequel Jedi, before Phantom Menace

The world of Star Wars Comics is about to go back in time, to the days before The Phantom Menace began the prequel trilogy. Beginning in March 2025, the Jedi made famous in battle alongside Qui-Gon Jinn, Mace Windu and Yaddle get their own story. Star Wars: Jedi Knights A new ongoing Marvel series from Emmy Award-winning screenwriter Marc Guggenheim (Han Solo and Chewbacca) and artist Madibek Musabekov (star wars).

The news comes directly from Marvel Comics and Lucasfilm Publishing, revealing the new series as just one incoming story after Marvel's previous one Star Wars Series ending earlier this year. With the latest ongoing comics taking place between the events of The empire strikes back And Return of the JediThe new one Star Wars: Jedi Knights will put the Republic's Peace Keepers front and center in a brand new era of the Star Wars Saga. Of course, a threat is lowering, even if the characters do not know yet of their coming defeat. Read on for the first cover art and plot synopsis below.

Star Wars Jedi Knights New Comic Cover Art

Taking place before The Phantom Menace, STAR WARS: JEDI KNIGHTS stars the Jedi Order as fans came to know it during the prequel trilogy including legendary characters such as Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Count Dooku, Mace Windu and Many. More. In addition to featuring iconic and fan-favorite Jedi, the series will introduce all new Jedi characters who served the Republic during this pivotal era. Each issue will spotlight a different Jedi duo on a different mission across the galaxy, but an overarching threat binds them together. Who is the mysterious new villain targeting Qui-Gon Jinn for death and how will it force the Jedi Order to evolve for a new era?

What Star Wars: Jedi Knights means to fans of the saga

New and legendary Jedi duos will face a mysterious prequel threat

Star Wars Jedi Knights foil variant covers by Taurin Clarke

The appeal of A series focused squarely on the Jedi operating as peacekeepers and samurai on the fringes of Republic space (An era and role still very much discussed, but not nearly as often seen in canon narrative). With the first cover art of Rahzzah featuring heroes like Qui-Gon Jinn, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Yoda, Count Dooku, Mace Windu and many more Jedi Knights leaping into battle, lightsabers drawn, it's clear Marvel isn't selling the series On politics or diplomacy. And editor Mark Panicsia suggests that message is intentional:

"Mark and Madibek deliver a blockbuster first issue with a cliffhanger that kicks off one action-packed issue after another featuring your favorite Jedi. You've literally never seen so much lightsaber action in a comic book!"

The lazy variant covers for Jedi Knights #1 By Taurin Clarke (above) also features Yoda and Adi Gallia, perhaps hinting that the first blockbuster issue will feature the two as the series' first spotlight Jedi. Gallia's master is currently unknown in established canon, so if true, it could mean that Yoda is her master, if not just her partner in a specific action-packed mission.


Although most fans will assume that the "mysterious new villain targeting Qui-Gon Jinn for death" is either Darth Maul or Darth Sidious beginning their plot ahead of The Phantom MenaceThe presence of Count Dooku holding a blue Jedi lightsaber suggests a story that took place significantly earlier in the prequel timeline. With little Star Wars media set after The High Republic And before The Phantom MenaceThis is a prime opportunity to tell new stories to enrich the prequels that fans already know. Guesses are also open about the "evolution" of the Jedi being alluded to, as well.

Our take on a Star Wars: Jedi Knights series

The Jedi from the prequel trilogy are finally getting the spotlight they deserve

Yoda and Prequel Jedi Order Custom Star Wars Image
Custom image by Kevin Erdmann

The first official cover art features a host of Jedi, including Depa Billaba, Ki-Adi Mundi, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Yaddle, Luminara Unduli, Shaak Ti, and Kit Fisto. Except the last one The living force John Jackson Miller's novel, which focused on the members of the Jedi High Council, there is surprisingly little canon story to develop the members of the Jedi Order. What means Star Wars: Jedi Knights is an incredible opportunity to really learn about each individual Jedi in depth, and even meet new Jedi we've never seen before.

When the series comes to an end once its events align with those of The Phantom MenaceCould Marvel have plans to further explore the decade between The Phantom Menace And Attack of the clonesAbout which is even less known? A parallel Sith Lords-focused series? Only time will tell.

now, Star Wars: Jedi Knights #1 Will arrive March 2025 from Marvel Comics.