Luke's choice of Ossus for the Jedi Order was not only nostalgic but strategic, recruiting resilient Force-sensitive Isanna.
Ossus' dark past explains the rise and fall of Luke's Jedi Order, with Palpatine's influence catalyzing its destruction.
The sensitivity of the Isanna's Force and the history of Ossus played key roles in Luke's success and tragedy in building his new Jedi Order.
Luke Skywalker chose to base his new Jedi Order on the planet Ossus, and the reason is hinted at Star Wars Legends. Luke Skywalker's Jedi Order was first seen in flashbacks in Star Wars: The Force AwakensBut it wasn't until The Book of Boba Fett - put decades earlier in the timeline - that viewers have to see it. Ironically, this placement in the timeline meant viewers were not introduced to any members of Luke's Jedi Order.
The planet itself was unnamed, although apparently it was referred to in the scripts as "Ossus." Adam Christopher's novel Shadow of the Sith Finally confirmed Luke's Jedi Temple is based on Ossus, a delightful homage to Star Wars Legends. And This may actually be the key to Luke's restoring the Jedi OrderExplains how he found so many potential recruits.
The Isana of Ossus
Force-sensitive inhabitants with a rich history
in legends, The planet Ossus was home to a race known as the Isanna. Survivors of a cataclysmic supernova caused by the destruction of the Cron Cluster during the Great Sith War, many Isana are descended from Jedi who were stranded on the planet and studied in Ossus's ancient Great Jedi Library. George Lucas always imagined that some races would be strong in the Force, and the Isana - who had developed a warrior culture - was one such example. They were introduced at Tom Veitch and Cam Kennedy's Dark Empire Back in 1992.
The Ysanna still exist in the current Star Wars timeline.
While Isana's Force sensitivity was rooted in ancient traditions, their skills were raw and unrefined. Luke saw an opportunity to mold these people into full-fledged Jedi, integrating their unique perspectives into the order he was rebuilding. Interestingly, the ISNA are also mentioned in Nexus of powerA canon sourcebook, which means They still exist in the present Star Wars Timeline.
Luke has the perfect recruits for his Jedi order
The Isana could strengthen the ranks of the Jedi
Luke's decision to establish his Jedi Academy on Ossus was not only an homage to the ancient Jedi. The Isanna's presence on Ossus gave him a head start in recruiting Force-sensitive people who were already attuned to the planet's mystical energy. These warriors, with their deep connection to the Force and survivalist mentality, were the ideal candidates for the new Jedi Order Luke envisioned.
The ISNA provided Lux the perfect recruits - Force-sensitive, resilient and deeply connected to their home world. He is confirmed to have also discovered ruins of the Great Library there, secured at least one of his sacred Jedi texts, and had Luke learn from him. What's more, the Force Vergence on OSUS is certainly something Luke wanted to learn.
Ossus' dark past explains the rise and fall of Luke's Jedi order
The history of this planet was integral to Luke's success and tragedy
Charles Soule and Will Sliney's The Rise of Kylo Ren Miniseries heavily implied that it was Palpatine who destroyed Luke's temple, striking when Luke was unconscious, beaten by Ben Solo. This revelation raises questions about Palpatine's immense power, but the answer lies in Ossus himself. According to Nexus of powerOssus was scarred by past battles between the Jedi and the Sith, leaving the planet highly susceptible to dark side energies. The mere presence of a powerful darkness on Ossus could generate a massive Force storm - and Palpatine used this against Luke.
It is therefore an irony that Luke chose to base himself on a planet rich in the Force because it had so many Force sensitives there - and Palpatine then used the same vergence against him. What's more, it also explains why Kylo Ren believed he was responsible; He assumed the planet was reacting to the darkness within him, the same darkness he believed had provoked Luke to attack him. In fact, it was Palpatine's influence amplified by Ossus himself, yet another Star Wars Tragedy.