New information about the history of Ahsoka suggests that the Star Wars TV program will be the first step in the evolution of galaxy beyond anything George Lucas could have imagined. Ahsoka the first season shocked audiences by taking its story to another galaxy for the first time in Star Wars story, with the latter half of its story taking place primarily on the extragalactic planet of Peridea. Thanks to the purrgil space whales and the exile of Grand Admiral Thrawn and Ezra Bridger, this new territory began to be explored, although this exploration was just beginning.
The new book Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1: Creatures of the Galaxy by ST Bende discusses a creature native to the extragalactic planet of Peridea: Howlers. The book suggests that its writer, a scientist named Ardis San Tekka, is aware of the fact that this species is, in fact, extragalactic. This is something he would only know if the story of Peridea was fact, not legend.and given the fact that this book was written after the events of Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker in the universe, then Ahsoka and Sabine must return home.
Buy ST Bende's Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1 on Amazon
What Ahsoka's return to the main galaxy means for Star Wars
The galaxy will never be the same
If a scientist like Ardis San Tekka treats Peridea and its creature as a fact and not a legend, then it stands to reason that Peridea was indeed accepted as an extragalactic world by the rest of the world. Star Wars Galaxy. Knowledge of this world would undoubtedly encourage explorers to follow its location and travel there.either out of curiosity or in the hope of finding something valuable that no one else has. In any case, an evident truth emerged from this fact: Star Wars it is no longer tied to the single galaxy Lucas created.
Our opinion on the future of Star Wars and Ahsoka's story
It seems that Ahsoka and its extragalactic world are just the first steps in a much larger effort to go beyond Star Wars Galaxy. There are some large-scale galactic conflicts that may occur as the stories progress; extragalactic threats would be a perfect way to refresh what comes after the Star Wars sequel trilogy. With Rey's New Jedi Order film on the horizon, it seems likely that this story could make use of those extragalactic elements, and that Ahsoka is working to create this possibility.
Even if it doesn't happen, another galaxy simply cannot be ignoredespecially if galactic scientists know about it. There is no doubt that there will be many efforts to travel intergalactically, and there will be people who will seek to explore more of this new galaxy outside of their own. This greatly expands the scale of Star Wars universe, creating future stories for excitingly limitless possibilities and opportunities. If Star Wars The choice to follow this path or not remains to be seen, but Ahsoka it certainly gave them the opportunity to do so.
Source: Star Wars Bestiary, Vol. 1: Creatures of the Galaxy by ST Bende