Warning! This post contains spoilers for LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy10 years later, Star Wars has introduced a fascinating in-universe way to explain Disney's canon/Legends reboot. Back in 2014, Disney and Lucasfilm made the decision to turn the Expanded Universe (Star Wars content outside the core movies and shows) in non-canon Legends, effectively resetting the timeline so more freedom could be given to new content with fewer restrictions. Now, an in-universe explanation has been revealed as to why these Star Wars Timeline is rebooted (from a very surprising place).
Lucasfilm and the LEGO Group have recently released rebuild the galaxy, A four-part animated miniseries that shakes things up Star Wars Galaxy as fans know it, rebuilding it brick by brick for a wild "What if...?" Type of story. Starring Bobby Moynihan, Gaten Matarazzo, Tony Revolori (and iconic Star Wars stars including Mark Hamill and Ahmed Best), Sig Greebling (Matarazzo) inadvertently remakes the whole Star Wars Galaxy thanks to a powerful object known as the Cornerstone. While Rebuild the galaxy is naturally non-canon, it still provides a compelling in-universe explanation for Disney's hotly debated 2014 reboot of the Star Wars Timeline.
LEGO Star Wars' cornerstone explained
Keeping reality itself stabilized
As seen in Rebuild the Galaxy's The first episode, Nef herder Sig Greebling is pressured by his older brother Dave (Revolori) to pull a glowing piece from a hidden Jedi Temple, believing it to be valuable. This immediately results in devastating consequences for the entire brick-building Star Wars Galaxy, rebuilding some classic elements and changing the reality itself. This includes some very comedic changes like Admiral Akbar becoming the genetic template for the Clone Army instead of Jango Fett, Ewoks becoming bounty hunters, as well as the classic Darth Jar Jar fan theory finally coming true.
This piece is later revealed to be the "Cornerstone", a powerful relic that holds reality together as Sig learns from his Jedi protector Bobarian Afol (Moynihan).. Additionally, "JD Bob" later reveals that once the cornerstone is pulled and reality is changed, time and space cannot be returned to the way it once was. The cornerstone can only be locked back into place to stabilize the new one Star Wars Timeline and reality that was created. As such, it can be argued that the cornerstone serves as an intriguing means of explaining the canon Star Wars timeline and its 2014 reboot.
LEGO Star Wars reveals that the cornerstone appeared once before
Could this be 2014's canon/legends reboot?
Rebuild the Galaxy's Third episode is where Jedi Bob confirms the truth that Sig's version of the Star Wars Galaxy cannot be brought back. It is also where he also discovers his own troubled past. Before becoming the Protector of the Cornerstone, Jedi Bob searched for the Cornerstone and pulled it from its place in the Jedi Temple, years before Sig Tut in Rebuild the galaxy.
Jedi Bob's actions changed his original reality in SIG's: The Current Star Wars Timeline of Disney-produced sequels, shows, and everything that's aired since 2014. As a result, you have to wonder if Jedi Bob's original galaxy was the Expanded Universe before his stories became non-canon legends. In the context of LEGO, it is more likely that Jedi Bob's reality was simply an older timeline in which LEGO minifigures were simpler in design, yellow, and had all-black eyes before 2003 (just like Bob himself).
Pulling out a piece that unravels the fabric and "building blocks" of reality is certainly a concept that lends itself to the world of LEGO. Regardless, it's still a fascinating idea that the Star Wars Canon/Legends reboot is the result of in-universe actions. In any case, it is certainly more fun to think about how only Disney and Lucasfilm made an executive decision that rendered so many stories as "irrelevant".
The cornerstone would explain so much to old-school Star Wars fans
Familiar, and yet a new Star Wars galaxy was born
Rebuild the Galaxy's New timeline is pretty weird and wacky for the sake of some good laughs. X-Wings and TIE Fighters have their wings swapped, becoming X-Fighters and TIE-Wings. There is no Rule of Two for the Sith, resulting in Sith Lords like Darth Jar Jar, Darth Nubs and even a Jawa Sith Lord. Meanwhile, Jabba the Hutt and Cad Bane are among a much smaller number of Jedi Knights alongside a white-armored Darth Vader and Palpatine.
However, the core essence of Rebuild the Galaxy's New reality is the same as what is seen in Disney's canon Star Wars Timeline. So much is familiar but slightly different, having drawn inspiration from what came before but ultimately telling much different stories overall. Finally, something like the cornerstone is the perfect explanation that still honors and validates legends: the original Expanded Universe was real, but is gone now, replaced by the current and canonical version.
The cornerstone is the perfect statement for any future reboot as well
(However unlikely they may be)
at the same time, This cornerstone concept can also help explain any potential Star Wars Timeline reboots in the distant future. It feels very unlikely that Disney and Lucasfilm would ever bring a full reboot like they did back in 2014. The idea that reality itself could be rewritten and rebuilt within the confines of the universe itself is not as far-fetched as one might think.
Reality shifting to create a new timeline is pretty simple if Disney ever decides to reboot it Star Wars Galaxy again. Furthermore, it wouldn't have to be a glowing LEGO piece. There are Force vergences in the canonical galaxy like Ahsoka World between worlds that offer access to all of time and space, as well as the power to manipulate events in the past to generate new results in the present. Regardless of the future, it's still nice to think that the Expanded Universe is simply rewritten and replaced, rather than erased in its entirety.
All episodes of LEGO Star Wars: Rebuild the Galaxy are now streaming on Disney+.
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