The Sith's secret Force power, revealed in "The Acolyte," gave Palpatine an edge in combat - getting into enemies' minds.
This explains why Palpatine cannot be defeated in combat by even the most skilled Jedi.
The Rule of Two established by Darth Bane was aimed at ensuring that each Sith was greater than their master, and the evolution of the Sith.
Star Wars gave the Sith one force power that makes Emperor Palpatine Almost unbeatable. For a thousand years, the Jedi believed that the Sith to be extinct. In truth, the Sith hid in the shadows, limiting their numbers according to Rule Two - a mandate that there must be only two Sith at any given time, a master and an apprentice. The Rule of Two was established by Darth Bane, and he believed it would ensure that each Sith was greater than their master.
The Jedi learned just how dangerous the Sith are Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. Mace Windu led two other Jedi masters to arrest Palpatine, but he killed two of them with ease. Later, Lord Yoda engaged Darth Sidious in a one-on-one duel, quickly discovering that he was outclassed. This point is driven home in Matt Stover's novelization of Revenge of the SithWhich depicts Yoda's shock when he realizes the Sith have evolved and the Jedi remained static. But now, 19 years later Revenge of the Sith, Star Wars revealed exactly why Palpatine was so unbeatable.
The Acolyte made the Sith that much more dangerous
Introducing a new Force power
The acolyte People may have refused, but one thing is certain; The Disney+ TV show featured some of the best lightsaber choreography ever seen Star Wars. Set a century before the Skywalker saga, at the end of the Jedi Order's Golden Age, it saw a group of Jedi discover the existence of a mysterious Sith Lord. Played by Manny Jacinto, The acolyteThe Sith Lord - officially known only as the Stranger - was determined to ensure his existence remained a secret. in The acolyte Episode 5, he took on the Jedi in a devastating battle.
This dark side power explains why, a century later, Palpatine would be able to kill two Jedi Masters in battle.
There was never anything like this in Star Wars Before; A live-action clash between a large group of Jedi and a single Sith, who lash out with brutal efficiency. Most troubling of all, though, was the fact that he demonstrated a subtle and dangerous force power that put him at an edge in combat; He entered the minds of his enemies, confused them, made them doubt themselves, slowed their reactions. This dark side power explains why, a century later, Palpatine would be able to kill two Jedi Masters in battle.
Palpatine could only be defeated by spontaneous reaction, rather than strategy
We now understand what he lost
Return of the Jedi Arguably put the Force power, because Palpatine is clearly exploring Luke Skywalker's thoughts and emotions all the way through their encounter. The acolyte Takes an idea that is already present, though, and effectively weapons it - As the Sith would do. It becomes the secret of the near invincibility of the Sith. But it also explains why Palpatine can only be defeated by something truly spontaneous - as seen in both Return of the Jedi And Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker.
As strong as he might be in the dark side, Palpatine's vision of the future was clouded by the light. He can't point to a reality in which Darth Vader turned on him out of love, not hate, and thus was wrong-footed when his apprentice attacked him in Luke's defense. Likewise, he had no idea the spirit of the Jedi would come to Rey's aid on Exegol, meaning he could not anticipate her defense. The Sith really are almost unbeatable at Star Wars - but they still have a big weakness.