An upcoming Star Wars Video game will fix a 24-year-old continuity issue in the original timeline of the franchise. in 2000, Star Wars Non-film materials were part of what was once called the Expanded Universe, although the materials now comprise the Star Wars Legends continuity following the franchise's partial reboot in 2014. In the pre-Disney era, the Expanded Universe was officially canon, with comics, video games, and other forms of media maintaining consistent continuity with the original six saga movies. Continuity snarls did happen, of course, but the overwhelming majority were cleared up with recons.
Star Wars Legends and the modern canon that supplanted it have significantly different approaches to continuity. Star Wars Legends - which has a tier system that was never actually needed - held each property to the same standard as the main saga films, ensuring that new lore fit organically alongside the movies to create a vast universe in which every story matters. The modern canon treats Star Wars More than folklore, treating continuity snarls as benign inevitabilities instead of issues to fix. Fascinating, even ten years after its discontinuation, Star Wars Legends is still occasionally deploying recons to maintain a consistent continuity.
Jedi: Power Battle's continuity problems explained
One of the few uncorrected continuity issues in Star Wars Legends concerns the lightsaber blade colors of the prequel era Jedi. Comic books, merchandise, and video games are all around for free Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace The Jedi are depicted as using lightsabers with a variety of blade colors. Masse Windu had a blue-bladed lightsaber, Plo Kun used a yellow-bladed weapon, Ki-Eddy-Mundi and Saese Tyne had purple-bladed weapons, and Eddie Gallio even carried a red-bladed lightsaber. - A color usually associated with Sith. The blade colors are notably depicted in the 2000 video game Star Wars: Episode I Jedi Power Battles.
From 1998 to 2000, the blade colors caused no continuity issues, as lightsaber blade colors and their respective associations with the Jedi and Sith had not yet been established. During production of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack of the ClonesHowever, George Lucas mandated that red-bladed lightsabers be the traditional color of Sith weapons, while Jedi almost exclusively use blue or green blades, although blade colors other than blue, green, or red would occasionally be used. so, The prequel-era Jedi had their blade colors retroactively changedAlthough Mace Windu would use a purple bladed lightsaber in Samuel L. Jackson's request.
Star Wars Jedi Power Battle update actually fixes this problem
The Star Wars Legends continuity never offered an explanation for the sudden change to so many Jedi lightsabers in the decades between The Phantom Menace And Attack of the clonesAlthough arguably, one was never necessary, since the lightsaber blade color was not established at the time of The Phantom Menace Release. Notably, a remaster of Jedi Power Battles was announced in 2024 with a planned release in late January 2025. In addition to updated visuals, new playable characters and new game modes, The Jedi Power Battles Remaster will also correct the blade colors of his playable Jedi.
Players will have the option to give the playable Jedi their canonical Legends-era blade colors or use the original - and retroactively incorrect - blade colors, thanks to an option in the upcoming game. Nostalgic players can return to the visuals of the pre-Attack of the clones Jedi or play the game according to the Reckoned Legends era lore. This feature, notably, highlights the fact that The lightsaber blade color discrepancy was never a major issue in the first placeEspecially considering it's not the first of its kind in the Legends continuity.
What does the Jedi: Power Battle update mean for Star Wars?
Simply put, the different lightsaber blade colors of characters like Mace Windu, Plo Koon and Adi Gallia between The Phantom Menace And Attack of the clones Was never a major continuity problem in the first place. It is simply an understandable error in depiction. Retroactively, the Jedi always used theirs Attack of the clones blade colors, with a Star Wars Tales Comics showing that Mace Windu's purple-bladed weapon was the first lightsaber he constructed and the one he would use for the rest of his life - outside a concordance of feyty with Eeth Koth.
This discrepancy is notably present in the comic adaptation of heir to the empireThat Luke Skywalker's lightsaber has a blue blade, while Dark Force Rising And The last command Correctly gave it a green blade. A recommendation Explaining Luke's changing lightsaber color was never necessary, nor was Recon explaining the weapons of the prequel era of Jedi.. Fascinating, the 2001 video game Star Wars: Obi-WanWhat, how Jedi Power BattlesTakes place simultaneously with The Phantom MenaceDescribe the Star Wars Prequel-era Jedi with their canonical blade colors, proving that their previous incorrect depictions were simply retroactive errors, not true continuity issues.
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