Star Wars confirms a force vergence just as powerful as Ahsoka's world between worlds

Star Wars confirms a force vergence just as powerful as Ahsoka's world between worlds

Warning! This post contains spoilers for Star Wars #50

Star Wars has further confirmed that a Force Vergence discovered during the original trilogy is just as powerful as Ahsoka World between worlds. In between the events of The empire strikes back And Return of the JediLuke Skywalker found and experienced the living Sea of ​​Gazian, a powerful Force vergence that offers a wealth of critical knowledge. However, his second visit in the latest issue of Marvel's canonical Star Wars Flow reveals a key truth about the vergence and behavior in the Force.

During Luke's first submersion in the Gazian Fungal "Sea", the young Jedi met the High Republic's Jedi master Elzar Mann who lived hundreds of years before Luke was even born. This is due to the vergence's ability to take those who enter it and make a living copy of their consciousness, keeping their knowledge forever. He gained great knowledge of the Jedi from Elzar on his first trip, Marvel's Star Wars #50 By Charles Sole, Madibek Musabekov, and Rachel Rosenberg Zet Luke experienced a very different interaction on his second visit, one with the dark side of the Force.

Luke enters the Sea of ​​Gazian in Star Wars #50

With Luke realizing too late that the Vergence was also visited by more than just Jedi, The new issue helps confirm that the living sea of ​​Gazian rivals the power of the world between worlds in the Star Wars Canon.

Ahsoka's world between worlds offers incredible knowledge

Offers access to all time and space

First seen in the animated series Star Wars Rebels And later in life-combat with 2023s AhsokaThe World Between Worlds is a Force Nexus that exists outside of time and space, with various doorways at specific points in the past, present, and future. however, The Force Vergence primarily meant for knowledge rather than to alter the flow of time According to Dave Filoni of Lucasfilm. That said, young Jedi Ezra Bridger used the Vergence to reach the past and save Ahsoka Tano from her duel with Darth Vader on the Sith world of Malachor.


Ahsoka later entered her own live-action series, which allowed her to commune and receive a final lesson from the spirit of her redeemed master Anakin Skywalker. Using the knowledge and guidance Anakin has to offer in the world between worlds, Ahsoka came out the other side renewed with a stronger Jedi way. As such, the same was very true for Luke Skywalker during his first trip into the Living Sea of ​​Gazian, especially considering it gave him the gift of the sacred Jedi texts that proved invaluable to his ongoing training earlier Return of the Jedi.

The Living Sea of ​​Gazian offers knowledge as well (both light and dark)

Although it can be even more dangerous

Dead Jedi and Sith in Living Sea of ​​Gazian in Star Wars #50

generally, The World Between Worlds and Living Sea of ​​Gazian seem to be on par with each other as incredible sources of knowledge. This is especially true with the new issue's confirmation that knowledge of the dark side can be gained from Gazian as well, not just the teachings of the Jedi. However, while the world between worlds has its share of threats (like Ezra and Ahsoka nearly giving Palpatine access to the Nexus), the living sea of ​​Gazian may be even more dangerous.

The desire for knowledge of the Force vergence is always a great danger in the Star Wars time line...

Not only is Gazian easier to access, but the Force Vergence has been shown to sometimes not let its visitors go. Instead, it may choose to leave the Jedi and/or Sith who enter its depths trapped and rotting in its fungal oceans for eternity. As such, the desire for knowledge of the Force Vergence is always a great risk in the Star Wars Timeline.

Star Wars #50 is now on sale from Marvel Comics.