Star Wars and Taylor Swift Crossover with an Amazing Hidden Easter Egg Connected to One of the Most Powerful Dark Side Villains of All Time

Star Wars and Taylor Swift Crossover with an Amazing Hidden Easter Egg Connected to One of the Most Powerful Dark Side Villains of All Time

A source was merged Star Wars online database, Wookieepedia and international superstar Taylor Swift in the most hilarious way, connecting the world-famous singer/songwriter to one of the most powerful and terrifying villains in the entire franchise– and it’s shockingly apt. Just like its online encyclopedia, Wikipedia, Wookieepedia pages can be edited by the public and an anonymous user. Star Wars and Taylor Swift fan made the most of it. On Abeloth's page, a Star Wars Legends character linked to the Mortis Gods, almost all of the section titles belong to Swift's songs and lyrics, especially from Midnight album.

This is a particularly brilliant joke because, as Taylor Swift fans know, Swifties Refer to Taylor Swift as 'Mom' a name directly connected to Abeloth's title as the Mother in Star Wars Legends. It's also much more than a joke; Like Swift’s “Anti-Hero,” Abeloth is convincingly complex. She started out as a mortal, but because she wanted to be with her family, the Father, the Son and the Daughter – all immortal gods – the Mother drank from the Fountain of Power and bathed in the Well of Knowledge, transforming her into Abeloth. .

Section titles

Once upon a time

Older but never wiser


Prices and vices

Tale as old as time

I dream of leaving


Covert narcissism

Incipient tendrils

Enter the antihero

Emerging enigma

A direct look at the Maw…

Provisional allies

…but never clearer

Monster on a hill

Bad omen

Enemy on the beach

Addicted to betrayal

Afraid to look down

Tired of your intrigues

Watch your back, boy

Crisis of faith

Passing by without knowing

Another guiding light

It seemed like the right thing at the time

Memories feel like weapons

Dance with the devil

End in crisis

Looks can kill

The worst of them

Treaties in good faith?

Dressing for revenge

Meet the band

Playing with fire

Desperate prayers

Bruised like violets

Skywalker is gone; still the longing remains

Almost lost

Records and regret

If it looks like a trap...

The luxury of secrets

Storm coming

Lit from within

Take the battle to the ground

Map the constellations

They say the end is coming

The whole place shines

Tonight seems impossible

Turned to ashes

Walking towards Galactic City

The kind senator

Chasing that fame


Caught up in politics

Hiding in plain sight

Blind and hazy

Everyone agrees

Big city, wrong choices

Changed like midnight


Flashes of battle

There's no reason to be afraid


A brief interruption

Levitating above it all

All that bloodshed

Pretend campaign

Confessing your truth

Sense of a bounty hunter

Nothing ever felt so wrong

Falling apart

Just run?

Burn the entire laboratory

Just like a clock

Lay the foundations

Step by step

Shaking the floor

With horror and truth

The past speaking

The final blow

For the last time

The family reunites

Planets and destinies

Sets the scene

All she did was smile

At the same time


Pierced in the heart

…but never killed

Clarity in death?

The wound that wouldn't close

Every loss is a step

To hide a smile

Incarnations and poses

Someone sweet, kind and fun?

Standing with sunken eyes

Catastrophic blues

lavender face

Sweet like honey

The best references in Wookieepedia's Taylor Swift Easter eggs

The section titles on Abeloth's Wookieepedia page are a combination of straight-up song lyrics and Taylor Swift puns, and they're actually hilarious. As mentioned, there is an explicit connection between “Anti-Hero” and Abeloth, and many of the titles address this directly. Titles like "Enter the Antihero", "Monster on a Hill", and "Covert narcissism" draw connections between this Midnight song and Abeloth Star Wars historyand although the titles are funny, there is something that rings shockingly true about them.

Although the titles are funny, there is something that rings shockingly true about them.

Other titles are simply straight jokes, such as "Enemy on the Beach," a joke with Swift Midnight song "Snow on the Beach" and "Lavender face," a direct change to “Lavender Haze”. There are also several titles that are hilarious when applied specifically to Abeloth, such as "Someone sweet, kind and fun?" There's certainly nothing sweet, gentle, or funny about Abeloth, but mostly the fact that it's phrased as a question makes it incredibly funny.

Abeloth could be a big part of Star Wars' future

Abeloth in Star Wars Legends showing his disturbing toothy smile

What makes this Wookieepedia page even better is that Star Wars prepared Abeloth to become very important in the near futureespecially after the Ahsoka end of season 1. THE Ahsoka show heavily incorporated imagery of the Mortis Gods, and given the connection Ahsoka Tano already has to the Mortis Gods, the Daughter in particular, this makes it much more likely that they are returning to Star Wars soon, maybe as soon as Ahsoka season 2. This could very well mean that Abeloth is coming to the Star Wars screen coming soon.

While these changes to the Wookieepedia may have been done in a fun way, they still affect Abeloth's character and potential importance in the future. It will be interesting to see how exactly, if at all, Ahsoka or others nearby Star Wars shows and films embody this character. However, this brilliant mix of Star Wars and Taylor Swift is really enjoyable to read.