across the width Star Wars Universe, in both these Star Wars Movies and TV shows, there are so many characters to choose as a favorite. While the likes of Luke Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Leia Organa, and Anakin Skywalker are often among the most cited, there are a plethora of non-human characters who also deserve recognition. Some of the non-human characters even make the list Star Wars Best characters, and they certainly deserved their place there.
As the franchise and stories take place around space on different worlds, there are so many species that contribute to the richness of Star Wars. Many of them have one thing in common: their resistance to tyrannical powers that would see their people taken over. Here are the 10 best of the brave non-human characters who have been forever memorialized in the Star Wars Galaxy.
Darth Maul (Zabrak)
First published: Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace (1999)
While Darth Maul's tenure in close-combat Star Wars was relatively short, Maul has become one of the biggest characters in animation - Thanks to those Star Wars: The Clone Wars Animated series. As Darth Sidious' apprentice, Maul was able to not only shake the Jedi who had previously thought the Sith extinct, but also kill Qui-Gon Jinn just before he was cut in half by Obi-Wan Kenobi. Miraculously, he survived this event, motivated by revenge alone. The hunger for revenge is what drove Maul through the rest of his life, fueling his every move.
From creating an entire network of crime syndicates in his shadow collective alliance to taking over the throne of Mandalore, Maul's character has become something of a legend in Star Wars. He went from being one of Star Wars Most underutilized villains to one of the most fascinating antagonists. Maul's story is now very revered, and although he still falls short of the other heroes (and villains) on the list, he certainly deserves to have a place here.
Garazeb Orrelios (Lasat)
First Released: Star Wars Rebels (2014)
Better known as Zeb, this Lasat rebel was one of the few of his people to escape the destruction of his home planet, leaving him with a deep hatred of the Empire. After joining the Phoenix Rebel Cell of Lothal, Zeb began to channel that anger into their coordinated missions against the Empire with a family that helped to repair the wounds left behind by his people's eradication. yet, Zab faced challenges that forced him to learn how to forgive those who wronged him and move on.Which eventually motivated him to befriend those he once considered enemies.
The change in Zab, of him eventually opening up and being more willing to take in others, is what helped make him one of Star Wars Best non-human characters. Zeb has always been the classic, rugged and hardened soldier with a heart of gold. He could be angry and angry, but he always had great compassion. Watching this part of him unfold more and more over the course of Star Wars Rebels is a pure delight, one that will hopefully be seen more in the future. Zeb's character just falls short of some other iconic names.
C-3PO (Protocol Droid)
First Released: Star Wars (1977)
It's impossible to talk about non-human characters and leave out the iconic droid duo, starting with C-3PO. As one of the first characters ever seen in Star Wars, C-3PO alone bears a highly recognizable image that even those who have never seen Star Wars Can easily recognize. Although C-3PO has often acted as the human voice of the heroes, announcing the concerns that any man would have in tense situations, C-3PO has certainly had his fair share of heroics, which earns him a place on this list.
Perhaps even more impressive is the fact that C-3PO, like his droid friend, is one of the few Star Wars Characters to appear in all nine of the Skywalker Saga movies. from the original Star Wars In 1977 to Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker In 2019, C-3PO witnesses the highest highs and the lowest highs of the Skywalker family. C-3PO even continues to be an important figure in the Star Wars TV shows, with him made a cameo in Ahsoka Season 1. While C-3PO certainly has his flaws, he is still without a doubt one of the best.
R2-D2 (Astromech Droid)
First Released: Star Wars (1977)
The second half of the iconic droid duo, R2-D2, has also earned his place as one of the best non-human characters in the franchise. R2 is a fan favorite and is, without a shadow of a doubt, the best droid in the entire galaxy. Served as Anakin Skywalker's right-hand man during the Clone Wars and went on to do the same for his son Luke Skywalker, R2 is as loyal as any droid can be. He is even loyal to C-3PO, despite their bad habit of picking and picking fights with one another.
R2 has also achieved quite a bit of heroism in his life. He first proves himself by being the only Astromech to repair Padmé Amidala's ship when they escape from Naboo, and he goes on to become the Astromech in the X-Wing when Luke Skywalker takes down the Death Star. The trust Anakin placed in R2 over the Clone Wars speaks for the beloved droid hero. The only thing that gives the other characters on this list a leg up is that, as non-droids, they have even more transformative stories, although R2 will always be one of the best.
grogu (unknown)
First published: The Mandalorian (2019)
Grogu is not only one of these Star Wars Best non-human characters, but also one of the most expensive franchise. Grogu took the world by storm as "Baby Yoda" after his surprise debut in The MandalorianAnd the way his character has grown since then has only made him even better. Initially starting out as a rather helpless Jedi youth, Grogu is now a Mandalorian apprentice under the tutelage of his adoptive father, Din Djarin. He is extremely strong, even as a child, however His heart outweighs any force powers he could ever wield.
Grogu managed to change his father from the inside out, turning a lonely bounty hunter into a protective, loving father. This is due to Grogu's own compassion, which he has shown time and again by helping those in need - without saying a word. Grogu's story will only continue to become even more fascinating as he learns about the Mandalorian way, having exchanged the Jedi way for one that will allow him to spend as much time as possible with his father. By this point, however, five other non-human characters still had Grogu hit.
Hera Syndulla (Twi'lek)
First Released: Star Wars Rebels (2014)
Hera Syndulla is another member of the Phoenix Rebel Cell - arguably its co-leader, along with her lover, Kanan Jarrus - who has since grown into a respected general of the Rebel Alliance. Hera knew who she wanted to be from a young age, as she and her droid Chopper both stood up to the Empire's occupation of Ryloth just after the fall of the Galactic Republic. years later, She became famous as the best pilot in the galaxyAccomplishing feats that no one else could ever dream of doing - all while taking care of her newly formed family.
Even after losing Canaan, Horus' power refused to diminish. If anything, she became even stronger, pushing forward as she helped lead the Rebel Alliance to victory during the Galactic Civil War. Hera's heart and her strength are easily her two most admirable traits, both of which helped her become one of Star Wars Best non-human characters. There are only a few others who managed to beat her out for a higher ranking, but it does not make Hera's character any less important.
Grand Admiral Thrawn (Chis)
First published: Heir to the Empire (1991) [Novel]
Grand Admiral Thrawn's rise to prominence alone proves why he deserves to make the list and earn a placement in the top five. Thrawn originated in the 1991 heir to the empire novel, a book that is perhaps the most important of any other - if only because it helped to kickstart the Star Wars Expanded Universe that has since evolved into Legends and the current state of Star Wars Canon. As for his character, however, Thrawn stands on his own. He is easy Star Wars Most intelligent villainAnd this makes him incredibly fearful.
Thrawn's role as a non-human has in-universe relevance, as he is the only high-ranking Imperial official who is not human. This is because of Thrawn's reputation as a tactician, which has caused him to be completely victorious. Even in the midst of defeat, Thrawn can create a victory because he learns from each experience in a way that his peers and his enemies simply do not. Thrawn has only just begun to scratch the surface in live-action after brilliant storylines in novels and animation, which means he could climb the list over time - but three other iconic characters still beat him.
Chewbacca (Wookiee)
First Released: Star Wars (1977)
Another one of Star Wars Most iconic and most recognizable non-human characters is Chewbacca. The Wookiee, Han Solo's best friend and close confidant, has been a hero since his first Star Wars Appearance - despite not receiving a medal. Chewie and his distinctive Shireywook growls are on a level comparable to Darth Vader and his breathing, completely synonymous with the Star Wars Sort. Chewbacca earned his place by being a loyal friend to everyone, but especially Han Solo.
In the course of his long life, Chewbacca played an integral role in helping rebels win against oppressive governments. Without him, both the Rebel Alliance and the Resistance would never have succeeded. More than anything, however, he provided the heart of the team. His physical strength was great, but his heart was even greater, because he always protected everyone he cared about. For this reason and many more, Chewbacca will always go down as one of Star Wars Best characters, with only two rising above him here.
Yoda (unknown)
First published: The Empire Strikes Back (1980)
Yoda is yet another character that has become synonymous with the Star Wars sort, and the wisdom with which he has guided many generations is the reason for this. Although he made some mistakes as Grandmaster of the Jedi Order, it cannot be understated that he was a member of their ranks for centuries, helping both the Jedi and the greater galaxy to flourish during its golden age. Even in darkness, Yoda provided a lightOffer advice to those who need it most. It was known to everyone that he was very honored and respected.
Even more integral is the role Yoda played in training the next generation of Jedi. Because of Obi-Wan's sacrifice to save Luke and his friends from Darth Vader on the Death Star, Yoda was the only one left to complete Luke's training. Without Yoda, Luke could not have learned, and that wisdom could not have been passed down. Above all, however, Yoda taught each generation how to truly trust and rely on the Force, which has always been the galaxy's greatest leader. Only one other character surpasses Yoda's greatness, someone whose stature is hard to surpass.
Ahsoka Tano (Togruta)
First released: Star Wars: The Clone Wars (2008) [Movie]
Rising to the top of the list after nearly two decades of growth is Ahsoka Tano, Anakin Skywalker's Jedi Padawan. Initially one of the most criticized aspects of The Clone WarsAhsoka would go on to become one of the greatest Jedi characters ever introduced, with her strength, courage and heart guiding her wherever she goes. From animation to live action, Ahsoka's story has been a source of inspiration for new ones Star Wars Generations, serve as an example that it is never too late to become who you were always meant to be.
Forced to become a Jedi soldier at a young age, Ahsoka is one of the strongest and most capable Force-users to ever wield a lightsaber. She was able to survive Order 66 on a Jedi cruiser packed full of brainwashed clone troopers with little to no help, and she even held her own in a duel against her former Jedi master, Darth Vader. She defied death not once, not twice, but three times, which shows how important and strong she is. Ahsoka was in no doubt Star Wars' Best non-human character, and certainly one of the most iconic.