Warning: contains spoilers Star Trek: Lower Decks #1!Star Trek finally explained why Enterprise I wouldn't have survived without Mr. Spock. THE Enterprise Science Officer Spock was crucial to many of the ship's victories. Spock's formidable intellect was front and center in many of these triumphs, to the point of giving Enterprise a serious advantage over their Starfleet brethren, and that gets a call Star Trek: Lower Decks #1.
Star Trek: Lower Decks #1 was written by Ryan North and drawn by Derek Charm. THE Cerritos finds an older, abandoned Starfleet ship: the Bonaventure. The crew discovers the truth: the Enterpriseunder the command of Captain Kirk, found the Bonaventure trapped in the “Delta Triangle”. THE Enterprise he subsequently escaped, thanks to a formula that Spock designed and implemented. THE Bonaventure crew tried to duplicate the Enterprise trick, but without a “Spock of his own” to do the calculations and synthesize the materials, it took more than a year to recreate the results.
Spock was invaluable to the Enterprise--And an animated series episode took this home
Another ship took over a year to recreate what Spock did in thirty minutes
Star Trek: Lower Decks The first story of #1 is a deep dive into the franchise's lore, using it to show how indispensable to the Enterprise Spock was. In the first season of Star Trek: The Animated Seriesin the episode titled “The Time Trap”, the Enterprise was sucked into a mysterious dimension, with seemingly no hope of return. After they returned home, the Enterprise the crew never spoke about their experience in the Delta Triangle again. Lower deckswhich makes a point of following the holes in the franchise's plot, revisits the episode, revealing why Spock is one of the greatest officers of all time.
While the Bonaventure was also successful in escaping the Delta Triangle, they encountered many more obstacles along the way and had trouble overcoming them because they had no one on Spock's level. Captain Moyo, the Bonaventure The captain admits that it took her crew several months to reproduce Spock's calculations and a few more months to create the materials needed to implement Spock's solution. Moyo's final record admits that they escaped, but when the Cerritos find the ship, it is abandoned. The fate of the crew is still a mystery, but there is a possibility that their disappearance was the result of a failed escape attempt.
Spock's intelligence has saved the galaxy many times
Only data can duplicate and surpass Spock's successes
Regardless of what happened to the Bonaventure crew, tThe question remains: not having an officer of Spock's caliber hindered their efforts. Numerous Star Trek episodes and films have shown Spock using his intellect to find a solution to any dilemma facing him. Enterprise is facing this week. For example, Spock's mind meld with V'Ger in Star Trek: the movie gave Kirk the vision needed to defeat the alien. “The Time Trap”, referenced in Star Trek: Lower Decks #1 is another example. Spock was crucial to the success of Enterprise–as another crew learned the hard way.
Star Trek: Lower Decks #1 is on sale now from IDW Publishing.