Star Trek Emperor Philippa Georgiou will have a dark solo adventure, timed to coincide with the release of Section 31 on Paramount+. Long a source of controversy between Star Trek fans, Section 31 will soon star in a feature film that will air in January 2025 on the Paramount+ streaming service. Now, IDW has announced a special comic that puts Michelle Yeoh's Georgiou in the spotlight.
THE Star Trek themed website Trekmovie.com broke the news of IDW's next release Star Trek: Section 31 one shot. The book will be written by Alyssa Wong and drawn by Megan Levens. Levens is a Walk-comics veteran, having drawn several titles for IDW, including the most recent arc, “The Pleroma”. Wong will make his debut in the franchise. Trekmovie.com acknowledged that details about Star Trek: Section 31 They are few and far between, but they offered this tempting bit:
The edition features Emperor Philippa Georgiou in an all-new, raucous and thrilling adventure.
Trekmovie.com also featured the cover of Levens' book, shared below.
What This Comic Means for Section 31 of the Star Trek Universe
Despite the controversy, Section 31 has become an integral part of the Star Trek Franchise
Star Trek: Section 31which premieres on January 25, 2025, on Paramount +, is the next chapter in the story of the nefarious espionage organization within the franchise. Introduced during Star Trek: Deep Space Nine sixth season, Section 31 is the Federation's equivalent of the contemporary Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), carrying out unofficial missions. Section 31 maintains the Federation as a bright, progressive utopia – by any means necessary. While it was controversial among fans, it proved irresistible to later creators, including the writers and artists behind the IDW product line. Star Trek comics, which used Section 31 to chilling effect.
Section 31 has appeared in more recent publications Star Trek shows too, including Discovery, where Philippa Georgiou's Mirror Universe counterpart joined the agency. Played by Oscar-winning actress Michelle Yeoh, Georgiou, exiled from the Mirror Universe, rises to the upper echelons of Section 31. Georgiou will be the main character in the upcoming Star Trek: Section 31 film. While details about the film's plot are still being kept under wraps, it apparently involves Georgiou assembling a team of agents for a dangerous mission.
Our Take on the Section 31 Comics and Movies
Star Trek: Section 31 Could explore other “lost eras” of the franchise
However, as established on screen, Georgiou has also traveled through time before, and this scene could place her in a whole new setting.
Just as Paramount remains silent Section 31 plot, IDW is also keeping details of its comics secret, but it will involve Philippa Georgiou. Paramount confirmed that the Section 31 the film will take place during one of the franchise's “lost eras”: the beginning of the 24th century. IDWs Star Trek: Section 31 the comic book could also be set during this period, filling in the gaps left by the film. However, as established on screen, Georgiou has also traveled through time before, and this scene could place her in a whole new setting.
Insert Philippa Georgiou into a potentially different period in Star Trek universe opens up some possibilities for exciting stories for the franchise. This would allow fans to not only learn more about Georgiou, but also explore other “lost eras” in Star Trek history. The late 22nd/early 23rd century is still largely open ended, having received little screen time. Having Georgiou visit this period, or others, whether in Section 31 business or not, it would flesh out not only your story, but also the agency’s story.
Source: Trekmovie.com
Star Trek: Section 31 #1 goes on sale February 5th from IDW Publishing!