Spy X Family hints that the true horrifying nature of its main villain is even worse than fans thought

Spy X Family hints that the true horrifying nature of its main villain is even worse than fans thought

Warning: Spoilers for Spy X Family Chapter #106

The Desmond family is among the most unique, intriguing and often terrifying group of characters in Spy X Family. Not counting the youngest, Damian, all characters with this prestigious last name have a peculiar trait that helps them stand out from the rest of the cast. the father Donovan DesmondIs not only the main villain of the series, but also one of the most disturbing characters in the franchise.

While the former Prime Minister of Estonia was already known for being a terrible father, chapter #106 revealed that he is much more terrible than he first imagined. Demetrius' behavior during the family dinner seems to imply that he is unable to act on his own accord and is only following his father's orders. It is possible that Donovan experimented on his son To turn him into an obedient Loki.


Donovan Desmond turned his son into a mindless pawn

The strange behavior of the eldest son can be explained by a lack of free will

Chapter #106 of the Spy X Family Manga series gives readers a chance to see what a family dinner in the Donovan household looks like. Throughout the meal, the fear Melinda and Damian feel when interacting with Donovan is evident, with them trying to avoid eye contact and shaking constantly. Demetrius, the eldest son, proved to be the complete opposite of his family, seemingly unbothered by the strange events around him. His behavior becomes even more questionable when it becomes clear that He does not act unless his father commands.

As the meal begins, Demetrius is seen sitting next to Donovan, motionless and patiently waiting for his father to give him permission to eat. As the meal continues, he thinks Only to eat the food because of his father's ordersBecause he doesn't give any instructions to enjoy it. Once finished, Demetrius sits straight, not interacting with anyone until Donovan gives him permission to leave. Once granted, the eldest Desmond son goes without addressing anyone else. He acts almost like a robot, only responding to his master's orders.

Spy X Family Chapter 106 Donovan at dinner

Donovan is a character who has strong ties to Project AppleThe government program that gave Bond, the Lloyd family dog, his powers, and that many fans believe may also be responsible for Anya's mind-reading abilities. Donovan is also theorized to be a part of the experiments, with many fans believing that he can also read minds. Someone so obsessed with power and control would not hesitate when given the opportunity to turn a member of his family into a loyal subject. Demetrius who did not have free will would also explain Because Anya can't read any of his thoughtsAs he has none of his own.

Melinda could have been the first test subject of this cruel experiment

Her fear and split personality may be the result of a failed attempt

Melinda's dark side, showing her two personalities during chapter 75.

Of all the older members of the Desmond family, Melinda is seen by most of the world as the most kind and approachable. She is a loving mother who is deeply devoted to Damian, an empathetic wife, and most of all, an exemplary housewife. However, during chapter #75, after her son is rescued from the Red Circus terrorist cell, Anya notices that Melinda seemed to possess a split personality. Besides her loving and caring persona, she also has a vindictive and cruel personality, who sees her beloved Damian as a burden.

Her strange demeanor may be the result of Donovan using her as the first test subject for his mind-control experiments. The experiment may have ended in failure, but Melinda still had a part of her free will suppressed, preventing her from telling the world about her husband's inhumane experiments. According to this theory, the tests were ultimately successful, leading to Demetrius becoming his father's loyal, mindless ally. Nevertheless, there is a possibility that the experiments on Melinda were a complete failure, and her cruel personality is a consequence of trauma.

The first time her strange personality is shown, it appears in response to Damian mentioning her husband. Melinda is clearly afraid of her husbandAs proven by their brief and tense interactions and by her behavior during the family dinner seen in chapter #106. Being used as a test subject for Donovan's experiments may have awakened a cold-hearted personality, which only manifests itself once the person is mentioned.

The Desmond family still keeps many secrets that the Spy X Family Manga series has yet to reveal. Nevertheless, it is a relief to know that history is slowly expanding the knowledge of this intriguing group. The truth behind Donovans experiments and his family's strange behaviors is highly likely to be revealed soon.

Created by Tatsuya Endo, Spy X Family is an action-adventure comedy anime that follows the misadventures of a found family with unique quirks. The story follows spy Twilight (known as Loid Forger), who, while on assignment, builds a fake family to get closer to his goal. Unknown to him, his new family produces their quirks. His wife, Yor, is a kind but deadly assassin, while his daughter, Anya, has telepathic powers - and is the only one who knows their secrets.


Takuya Eguchi, Atsumi Tanezaki, Saori Hayami, Alex Organ, Megan Shipman, Natalie Van Sistine

Release date

April 9, 2022




Tatsuya Endo